Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-innovation in projects

9 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Co-innovation in projects

The second category of organizational forms at the co-innovation level is the category of projects. What does this category represent? (Bossink)

The temporary organizational structures in which various teams cooperate and transform innovative ideas into innovations for businesses. Projects/project management realize some ideas from the co-ideation level by, for example, developing blueprints/designs/plans/prototypes.

Project defines a time frame in which the team must realize the envisioned innovations while meeting several deadlines and achieving intermediate results in order to guide the cooperating teams. A project sets targets that direct the efforts and steer the activities. What are the results of sustainably innovative projects?  (Bossink)

The results have an environmental, social or societal impacts, and this impact is used to attract customers. The products/services that a projects aim the develop must have sustainable and financial value and the potential to generate value for the customer/producer and public.

An eco-innovative and sustainable project is mainly started to transform the ideas from the co-ideation level into tangible soltuons/propositions/test cases and examples for the firm. In what does this result? (Bossink)

The results depend on planning, cooperation to deliver, targets and budget. The results have to contribute to the firm's portfolio of products and services and have to increase the firm's opportunities to develop new markets.
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At the start of a project the key participants need to have a certain plan of what they want to achieve. It is a conception of what the project has to be about and what it should deliver. Explain this conception? (Bossink)

The conceptualizing project manager tries to determine the course and outcomes of the innovation process before the project starts. He thinks about times, makes a mental picture of the results and puts everything on paper. This is a well-defines mental outline of how the project should go and to instruct participants. The project plan services as a clear directive for the project.

Planning-oriented proejcts implement innovations systematically, stage by stages. A planned project focuses on achieving progress in time. What characterizes this process of 'planning'? (Bossink)

-Oral and written agreements.
-Protection and maintaining of the decisions, actions and promises
-The process flow and desired outcomes need to become reality
-Monitor the agreements and remind/inform people about project agreements/outcomes etc.

What does targeting in an innovation project means? (Bossink)

Targeting is that the project members focus on defining innovation goals and on realizing these goals. Target-oriented projects are characterized by continuous improvement of existing products, services and processes. A target can drive people.

A positioning-oriented innovation project uses innovation as a means to gain competitive advantage in the market. How can this type of projects be seen according to Bossink?

As an instrument to attract customers and outperform competitors. In these project people look for innovations and changes that have significant appeal (aantrekkingskracht) to potential customers. Much time and money are invested in determining what people want and informing people about the latest innovations.

The project that is managed on cost-benefit considerations is mainly trying to develop innovations that provide a maximum of revenues at relatively low cost. What does the developed innovations need?

To have potential to gain a market share and to make a profit. The customers must be convinced that the product/service is worth the price. The cost-benefit-considering project is based on the principles and integrated economic, environmental and social sustainability.

The project is the second element at the co-innovation level of Bossinks model. the research shows that the sustainability innovative project has several characteristics. Explain them. The project...

1 Offers sustainable products/services/competencies to the firms
2 Is planned carefully and works with concrete and measurable sustainability targets and knows how improvements and innovation can contribute.
3 Develops innovations that appeal to a customers who is willing to pay extra for it.
> Projects is an important form that structure co-innovative activity.

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