Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Eco-innovation and sustainability management

23 important questions on Bossink: Eco-innovation and sustainability - Eco-innovation and sustainability management

What is Bossinks model central point of view?

That eco- and sustainable innovation can be conceptualized as a sustems that consists of three interdependent and interacting levels of cooperative activity.

Describe shortly the elements and function of the co-ideation level of Bossinks model?

The level comprises (omvat) the people (leaders, champions and entrepreneurs) in firms how take the lead, see market opportunities, dare to come with creative ideas, and want their organizations to become environmental and sustainable innovators. 

Describe shortly the elements and function of the co-innovation level of Bossinks model?

This level concentrates on the organizational forms in which these key individuals cooperate and transform some of their ideas into real business propositions that generate market share. 
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Describe shortly the elements and function of the co-institutionalization level of Bossinks model?

This level focuses on the business environmental factors that enable these new business proposals to grow large and to become the new eco-innovative and sustainable standards in industry and society. 

What are the 3 main claims of the model of eco-innovations and sustainability according to Bossink? That eco- and sustainable innovation is...

1 Created by cooperating individuals
2 In networks of various organizational forms
3 Is facilitated to grow into substantive business by several institutional factors. 

Summarize the 3 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable leaders?

-Goal: generate sustainable ideas that have an impact on society
-Measurement: count and evaluate his stakeholders-serving ideas
-Aim: to develop a firm that contriibutes to societal value in a broader sense than just shareholder value.

Summarize the 3 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable entrepreneurs?

-Goal: generate ideas for new business
-Measurement; count and evaluate the sustainable business ideas he produces
-Aim: to develop business eco-innovative and sustainable ideas that have potential in terms of turnover and profits. Combines profitability and sustainability.

Summarize the 3 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable champions?

-Goal: Create ideas for new sustainable products/services/processes (comes up with solutions and shows others what needs to be done)
-Measurement: counting and evaluating the ideas he generates to improve, renew or innovate products, services, processes.
-A passion: for the inventive part of ideation and wants to contribute to the future sustainable product/service portfolio of the company.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable team players? A team needs team players. Those players...

-Goal: contribute to the transformation of innovative ideas into sustainable business. Team players have to cross different departmental/organizational boundaries to eco- and sustainable innovate.
-Measurement: count and evaluate the business proposals that are developed by the teams the member joins
> When people aren't capable of being a leader/champion/entrepreneur they can work with them in teams.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable project members? The members of a project...

-Goal: to contribute to the transformation of innovative ideas into sustainable business by managing, coordinating and contributing to innovation projects and to develop and deliver the desired innovation within costs/time. 
-Measurement: count and evaluate the business proposals that are developed in the projects he joins
> They contribute to the transformation of ideas into business.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable business(wo)men? Business need (wo)mens with..

-Goal: to contribute to the transformation of innovative ideas into sustainable business by generating sustainable initiatives that have turnover/ generate profits.
-Measurement: count and evaluate the turnovers and profits of the businesses introduced by the business(wo)men
>They concentrate on interfirm sustainable business generation

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable PPPs? PPPs need skilled public-private partners with..

-Goal: to contribute to the transformation of innovative ideas into sustainable business by generating innovative initiatives that are embedded in society and have the potential to grow and gain larger market share.
-Measurement: consider and evaluate the percentage turnover and profit grwoth realized through cooperation with (non)governmental organizations in PPPs.
> Try to develop sustainable innovations that serve business and common interest and have the potential to become nationwide standards.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable marketers (co-institutionalization)? Market and societal changes need competent marketers with...

-Goal: to contribute to the institutionalization of sustainable innovations by promoting and selling the new eco-innovative products and services.
-Measurement: the number and impact of his publicity campaigns for sustainable products/services
> He knows what people want to pay and he informs them about the quality.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and sustainable knowledge workers (co-institutionalization)? Knowledge and technology dynamics need qualified knowledge workers with...

-Goal: to institutionalize sustainable innovations by contributing to the sustainability of the value chains in industry.
-Measurement: number of joint ventures in which he participates and their impact.
> the wokers has to cooperate across org. boundaries and improve value chains on an interorganizational level.

Summarize the 2 main findings of Bossink regarding the eco-innovative and game changers (co-institutionalization)? New policy and regulations need strategic gaim savers with...

-Goal: to institutionalize sustainable innovations by contributing to the development and introduction of public policy and of regulation that is in favor of newly developed products/services.
-Measurement: count and qualify the funding to enable sustainable firms to grow their business.

Describe the main management challenge for professionals at the co-ideation level: (Bossink)

To integrate eco-innovation and sustainability into the corporate strategies of their firms. 

Describe the main business opportunity for professionals at the co-ideation level: (Bossink)

Their firms can gain the lead in new sustainability-oriented markets that can have grwoth potential. This can lead to a first-mover advantage and a knowledge lead. And beat competitors this way. New markets will grow because of the decrease of resources, people awareness etc.

Describe the main business opportunity for team players, project members, business(wo)men, and public-private partners at the co-innovation level: (Bossink)

Firms can develop a strong long-term competitive position in the market. Innovative sustainable business models can have the potential to push away older models. New models serves multiple stakeholders > serve a large variety of groups and in they end it can strengthen the competitive position in markets.

Describe the main management challenge for marketers, knowledge workers and game changers at the co-institutionalization level: (Bossink)

The main challenge is to further stimulate market and societal demand for sustainability.

Describe the main business opportunity for marketers, knowledge workers and game changers at the co-institutionalization level: (Bossink)

The opportunity is that when sustainability-oriented markets grow, new sustainable industries emerge. Technological development can facilitate the growth of sustainable business. New policy and regulation can improve the context in which firms do business and enable emergence and growth of businesses and markets. 

Describe the 2 limitations of the model of Bossink:

-The analytical value may be limited, because not all countries/industries conform to the characteristics of the model. 
-Its a basis structure of how and why eco-innovation and sustainability management in industry function. But; it does not prescribe how eco-innovation and sustainability systems should function or will function in the future. The model is descriptive and does not have explicit explanatory or prescriptive value.

Describe the possibilities for future research according to Bossink:

Future research could delve into the possible reasons, mechanisms or attitudes that drive the interactione ffects among the levels and elements in the model. Future research needs to concentrate on a further in-depth analysis and explanation of interleve; and interelement interactions and interaction effects.

The ISO norms provides the basic requirements of a firm's environmental management systems. It describes and prescribes a firm's environmental policy, procedures, control and review activities to ensure the quality of these activities. Names some ISO rules. According to ISO:

1 Environmental labels and declarations must be accurate, verifiable, relevant and not misleading
2 Environmental labels and declarations must be based on scientific methodology
The ISO obliges a lot more. For example: a firm's environmental policy has to describe: its missions, vision, core values and beliefs. And specific local or regional conditions.

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