Managing Challenges

6 important questions on Managing Challenges

What are the 4 ways to structure an organisation?

1. Line organisation
2. Line-and-staff organisation
3. Matrix-style organisation
4. Cross-functional self-managed teams

What's a line organisation?

There are two-way lines o authority and responsibility with all people reporting to only one supervisor.

What's line-and-staff organisation?

1)Line personnel; employees that are part of the chain of command for achieving organisational goals
--> production, distribution and marketing employees

2)Staff personnel; employees that give advice and assistance to line personnel
--> marketing research, legal advising, IT and HR employees
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What's a cross-functional self-managed team?

Groups of employees from different departments who work together for an texted period of time.
--> include customers, suppliers and distributers? Beyond organisational boundaries

What's a virtual corporation?

A temporary networked organisation made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed.

What are the differences between formal and informal organisation?

All organisations have both systems;
formal -> details lines of responsibility, authority and position (slow, bureaucratic, helps guide the lines of authority)
informal -> system of relationships that develop spontaneously as employees meet and form relationships (helps teamwork)

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