Communication - The Communication Strategy - Communication Strategies

5 important questions on Communication - The Communication Strategy - Communication Strategies

Spray and pray- Communication Strategies

Shower employees with a range of information, more is better. Managers pray staff will see what needs to be done. Benefit: Staff exposed. Downside: Staff overload with information.

Tell and Sell- Communication Strategie

Limit information to core information. Tells staff about the changes and sells them on why they are necessary. Benefit: This can be done quickly. Downside: Lack of dialogue opens the potential for staff skepticism and cynicism.

Underscore and Explore - Communication Strategie

Focus on fundamentals, but engage employees in dialogue to identify obstacles and misunderstandings that need to be addressed. Benefit: Staff engagement solves problems and generates ideas. Downside: Takes Time.
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Identify and Replay- Communication Strategie

Defensive approach to address rumors, reduce staff confusion about change. Benefit: Can solve problems early. Downside: Reactive approach assumes that staff understands the organizational problems and changes that need to be addressed.

Withhold and Uphold- Communication Strategy

Withhold information until is necessary to communicate. Benefit: Management retains a high degree of control. Downside: Staff bitterness and resentment.

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