Meyer: understanding customer experience

9 important questions on Meyer: understanding customer experience

The quality of customers' experience should be a company's first  concern. What does customer experience encompass (omvatten)? (Meyer)

Every aspect of a company's offering: the quality of customer care, but  also advertising, packaging, product and service features, ease of use  and reliability. Customer service personnel tend to concentrate on the  unfolding transaction but not its connection to those preceding or  following it.

The problem is that measuring customer satisfaction does not tell anyone  how to achieve it. What is customer satisfaction? (Meyer)

The culmination (resultaat) of a series of customer experiences or, the  net result of the good ones minus the bad ones. It occurs when the gap  between the expectations and the experiences has been closed.

To understand how to achieve satisfaction, a company must deconstruct  into its component experiences. Because many customer experiences aren't  the direct consequence of the brand's messages or the company's actual  offerings. A company reexamination of it initiatives and choices will  not suffices (volstaan).  What does the attention to customers require?  (Meyer)

A closed-loop process in which every function worries about delivering a  good experience, and senior management ensures that offering keeps all  those parochial conceptions in balance and thus linked to the bottom  line.
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What does the article of Meyer describes?

How to create a process as mentioned above, that's composed of 3 kinds  of customer monitoring: past, present and potential patterns. By  understanding the different purposes and different owners of these three  techniques, a company can turn pipe dreams of customer focus into a  real business system.

Define customer experience according to Meyer?

Customer experience is the internal and subjective response customers  have to any direct or indirect contact with the company. Direct contact  generally occurs in the course of purchase, use, and service and is  usually initiated by the customer. Indirect contact most often involves  unplanned encounters with representations of a company's products,  services, or brands and take the form of word-of-mouth recommendations,  advertising, news reports and reviews.

Name 4 characteristics/statements that fit regarding customer experience? (Meyer)

1 The secret of a good experience isn't the multiplicity of features on offer
2 A succesful brand shaped customers' experiences by embedding the fundamental value propositions in offerings' every feature
3 Service quality and scope matter too, but mostly when the core offering is a service itself
4 People's expectations are set in party by their previous experiences with a companies offerings

Which 3 forces are the main conspire (samenzwering) to preserve why CEOs  neglect (verwaarlozen) the significance of customer experience: (Meyer)

1 Too much money already lavished on Customer Relationship Management  (software): CEOs goals is to have a lot over information about  customers, and spend all the money to gather that
2 Lack of attunement to customers needs:
3  Fear of what the data may reveal: when the data is known, whats next?  Can we afford to do what customers are asking for? Can we accept what  customers said they have experienced? Etc.

Many organizations place responsibility for collecting/assessing  customer experience data within a single, IT-supported customer-facing  group. What are the consequences of this method according to Meyer?

They accomplish at least 3 things: it saves money, it protects customers  from redundant and annoying solicitations, it permits direct comparison  of customer on the basis of their location/choice/product/other  criteria.
But: it is a mistake to assign to customer-facing groups  overall accountability fot the design/delivery/creation of a superior  customer experience, thereby excusing those more distant from the  customer from understanding it. 

What is the overall conclusion of Meyer?

Customer dissatisfaction is widespread and because of customers'  empowerment, increasingly dangerous. Although companies know a lot about  customers' buying habits, incomes and other characteristics, they know  little about thoughts/emotions/states of mind that customers  interactions with products, services, and brands induce (opwekken).  Unless companies know about these subjective experiences and the role  every function plays in shaping them, customer satisfaction is more a  slogan than an attainable goal. 

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