Leede: innovation and HRM: towards an integrated framework

10 important questions on Leede: innovation and HRM: towards an integrated framework

The paper of De Leede explores the connection between innovation (management) and human resouce management. Because there is no integrated conceptual framework available for the combination of the two. What is the goal of De Leede and how are they going to reach that?

The goal is to develop an integrated framework. Doing this as following:
1 A presentation of the existing models and approaches of innovation/HRM.
2 Search for the linkage between the 2
3 A case study
> This will lead to their model.

What are the 4 crucial aspects of innovation according to De Leede?

1 The introduction of something new (products, services, technologies or new forms of organization)
2 Having a process aspect (goal formulation, design and organization, implementation and monitoring etc.)
3 A development with somewhat radical leaps
4 The intention to gain advantages for the organization

Which 3 types of innovation are included in the research of De Leede?

1 Product innovations (new products/services)
2 Process innovations (new production/service technologies)
3 Organizational innovations (new org. forms/management practices)
> Main focus is product/service and process innovation
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Which 4 important areas of policies and practices within HRM are distinguished by De Leede?

1 The design of organizations and tasks (e.g. job content)
2 The staffing of the organization by managing the in/through/outflow of personnel (e.g. recruitment)
3 The measurement of performance and the reward of employees (e.g. job evaluation)
4 The channels for communication and participation in work and decision-making (e.g. leadership)
> This broad categories will suffice (volstaan) for the research of De Leede.

When De Leede compares the approaches he draws up the following list of topics concering the role of aspects of HRM in connection with innovation. Name them (8)

1 Appropriate organizational structure
2 The staffing of innovative organizations
3 Key roles of individuals
4 Individual development and careers
5 Effective team working and leadership
6 Extensive communication and participation
7 Performance and reward
8 Creating a creative culture

The innovation literature states that most HRM practices have to contribute to innovation at two distinct levels:

1 The level of the organization in general (building an innovative organization: training and development, creating climate etc.)
2 The level of specific innovation stages, activities or projects (leadership, creativity of employees etc.)
> both levels are important in the integrated model

The integrated model on innovation and HRM exposes three broad areas of reseach question according to De Leede. Which 3?

1 What are the interactions between innovation strategies and HRM innovation?
2 What HR practices are appropriate in the various innovation stages?
3 What interactions are there between the general leven and the specific level(s)?

How can we foster innovation in services with HRM? (Flikkema)

Reward innovation, hire entrepreneurial types, create a learning climate/culture, autonomy and freedom, allow people to fail, give people the opportunity to innovate.

Define Flikkema's view on HRM (systems)

A dynamic system of policies, practices, place and products shaping the employee-employer relationship and aimed at achieving firm-level objectives.

Explain the difference between dialogue and discussion according to flikkema:

Dialogue = integrate ideas, emphasize, cooperate, listen. Manager should foster dialogues.
Discussion: rigt/wrong. Managers as rolmodel: no questions about right/wrong, but listen.

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