Alam: removing the fuzziness from the fuzzy front-end of service innovations through customer interactions

10 important questions on Alam: removing the fuzziness from the fuzzy front-end of service innovations through customer interactions

A service manager can make the fuzzy front-end a lot less fuzzy by interacting with customers. What is Alams contribution to this managers?

He provides several guidelines for obtaining customer input for NSD process that may help improve the success. These guidelines are summarized into 4 overarching customer interaction themes as shown in image 16: process, benefits, strategies and problems of customers interaction in the fuzzy front-end of NSD.

There are 3 problems in the customer interaction according to Alam. Describe them and provide a solution?

1 Confidentiality
2 Identification of the appropriate individuals for interaction (difficult because inside firm knowledge was necessary)
3 Lack of cooperation and commitment by customers (no fully commitment because lack of tangible benefit)
> To improve the interaction: stay focused on a limited/homogenous projects and use specfic goals.

What are the characteristics of the customers invited for interaction according to Alam?

1 A close relationship with the company (because confidentiality)
2 Lead user
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What are the advantages according to Alam of customer interaction?

The cycle time reduction (because interaction reduced the amount of work required to get an idea started on its way)
And when the front-end stages are more efficiently managed the speed in the development process could be increase.

According to Alam in the case of more complex business services, front-end stages are conducted through an iterative problem solving process. Explain this process in 4 steps?

1 The managers draw on customer need information to generate attributes for desired new services
2 They develop a service blueprint and concept
3 This blueprint is tested with the same group of customers
4 No match: the blueprint need to be modified
> This iterative cycle is repeated several times till the match is found.

What are the 4 different modes of customer interaction according the data of Alam?

1 Invite customers to brainstorm
2 Let customers work in service development teams
3 Let customers work in innovation retreats
4 Observe customers

Much of the literature regards tangible products. The knowledge of Alam of the roles of customers interaction in the front-end stages is limited. What does he know?

The success of interaction depends on the strategic fit between the customers and the firms that interact with them.The proces of interaction, the types and characteristics of customers and the style of listing to their voice are important.

Why is suggested that a firm shall proactively manage and optimize the fuzzy front-end? (Alam)

Because the stages in the fuzzy front-end (idea generating/screening and concept development) are critical because they lay down the foundations on which the overall NSD project is built. Managing them boost the chances of developing succesful innovations.

What is meant with the fuzzy front-end of an innovation process?

Idea generation, idea screening and concept development stages of NSD, because they typically involve imprecise process and ad hoc decisions.

Customer interaction has a positive impact on the performance of new services. Also is the importance of the fuzzy front-end stages of new service development (NSD) recognized. How does Alam combines this to his research?

He suggest that the fuzzy front-end can be much less 'fuzzy' if customers are involved in the frond-end stages of NSD.

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