Cooper: maximizing productivity in product innovation

12 important questions on Cooper: maximizing productivity in product innovation

Businesses today are preoccupied with minor modifications, product tweaks etc. and true product development has taken a back seat. There are huge differences in productivity between the best and the worst performers. Data gain insight into what the secrets to high productivity are. Explain those secrets/principles? (Cooper)

The 7 principles of lean, rapid and profitable NPD (new product development) with the goal of improving productivity will make sure businesses that employ each principle will achieve superior performance results.

The message of Cooper is clear If you want your business to be among the best performers in NPD: adopt  and embrace the 7 principles of lean, rapid and profitable NPD. This  leads to improved performance and higher productivity. What are the 7 principles?

1 Customer focused
2 Front-end loaded
3 Spiral development
4 Holistic approach driven by effective cross-functional teams
5 Metrics, accountability and continuous improvement
6 Focus and effective portfolio management
7 Nexgen stage-gate process

Explain what high productivity businesses do different regarding the 1st principle 'customer focused'? (Cooper)

1 Launch new products that offer new and unique benefits to their customers
2 New products offer better value for money
3 New products meet customers needs better than competing products
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Regarding customer focused principle the customer must be an integral part of the entire deveopment process. Companies need to build the customer in their development processes. Which 6 different methods of undertaking VoC (voice of customer) by best performing businesses are indentified by Cooper?

1 Customer visits with in-depth interviews
2 Camping out or ethnography (observing customers use/abuse/misuse products in daily routine)
3 Lead user analysis (identify innovative customers and work with them)
4 Focus group problem detection sessions (let customers tell their problems during a round table discussion)
5 Brainstorming group events with customers (invite customers tot a innovation day for brainstorming etc.)
6 Crowd sourcing using online or IT-based approaches (opening the doors to external inputs/wishes via webpage/internet for 'open innovation')

What is meant with the second principle of Cooper "Front-end loaded"?

A good dose of the right up-front homework pays for itself in terms of saving time and also higher success rates. F.e. preliminary market assessment, technical assessment, market research, financial and business analysis

What is according to Cooper a good beginning list of front-end work and should be built into one's idea-to-launch system? (8)

1 Preliminary market assessment (market size/potential, customer interest/needs, requirements, competitive situation etc.)
2 Technical assessment (technical solution, development route, technical challenges etc.)
3 Source-of-supply assessment (operating requirements, material/equipment needs, alliances etc.)
4 Market research (customer research)
5 Concept testing (present product and analyse feedback)
6 Value-to-the-customer assessment (quantify the products value)
7 Product definition (product scope, target market, product concept, trget price etc.)
8 Businesses and financial analysis (f.e. internal rate of return)

In traditional linear development the project team charges into the development stage with a product definition based on information that might have been right at a time. It's better to practice spiral development. What is this third principle according to Cooper?

First version of the product is developed, test it with the customer, ask feedback and use that for the next and more complete version of the product. So: build-test-feedback-revise into the project.

The 4th principle is the holistic approach driven by effective cross-functional teams. Explain those cross-functional teams according to Cooper?

Those teams consist of key players drawn from different parts of the organization, and player are assigned so that it is clear who is one the team and who's not. The team is lead by a carefully-selected leader. This teams makes a difference between efficiency and non-efficient projects.

Explain the 5th principle of Cooper regarding new product development/high productivity?

Many companies don't meassure new product results, so they don't know if the product was successfull. Put metrics in place, f.e. success criteria, sales/profit measures etc. Decide with those criteria if a project gets a go/kill decision.

Most companies do a poor job of ranking/prioritizing development projects. This results in low productivity. The 6th principle: focus and effective portfolio management, prevents this according to Cooper. Which 4 tools should be included in the portfolio system (and make better portfolio decisions)?

1 Strategic buckets (buckets of resources to ensure the right mix/balance of projects)
2 Product and technology roadmaps (to map out the major development initiatives)
3 Scorecards (to select/prioritize the best development projects)
4 The productivity index (to maximize economic value of the portfolio)

Many businesses processes contain much bureaucracy, time wasters and make-work-activities. What do smart companies do regarding this and is also the 7th principle of Cooper?

Smart companies made their NPD/NexGen Stage-Gate process lean, removing waste and inefficiency. The applied value stream analysis and applied it on their own NPD.

Explain the 7th principle 'NexGen Stage-gate process'? (Cooper)

Stage-gate has changed into a more flexible/adaptable innovation process: adapt to changing conditions and fluid, unstable information. It has become a scalable process to suit different types nd risk-levels of projects. And it also accomodates open innovation. It also has been automated: companies are utilizing software to underpin their development process and pipeline.

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