Shostack: Designing Services That Deliver

6 important questions on Shostack: Designing Services That Deliver

Shostack: it goes without saying that market research throughout the design cycle is the best control mechanism to ensure that the service meets the goal. What does market research do?

Market research during a service's operating life enables managers to measure quality and identify needs for design. A designer can use a blueprint to engineer new market products or services.

What is the alternative of a blueprint and explain the disadvantage according to Shostack?

The alternative is; leaving services to individual talent and managing the pieces rather than the whole. It makes a company more vulnerable and creates a service that reacts slowly to market need and opportunities.

What is service innovation according to Flikkema?

Service innovation is the deliberate search, development and branding of  new configurations of products, places, channels and processes, which  enable the creation of new (experienced as new by the market) service  experiences that fulfill (latent) customer needs.
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When does a new service deliver in terms of value? (Flikkema)

1 Value as price
2 Value as what I get for what I give
3 Value as tradeoff between price and quality (= Flikkema's favorite)
4 Value as an overall assessment of subjective worth
> Service deliver when it provides value to customers. Value is dependable of the customer.

Value is a perception of perceived quality (intrinsic attribute). An extrinsic attribute is f.e. the brand or when you go somewhere, because there are celebrities.

What is a blueprint according to Flikkema?

Another design tool that can be used to describe the delivery of new services in a systemic way
The Blueprint of Shostack = good for delivering services with low customer involvement

What should a service design have according to Flikkema?

Just enough detail to reveal its value to all stakeholders and to achieve the aimed (im)balance between efficiency and self management

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