McDonough: Investigation of factors contributing to the success of cross-functional teams

7 important questions on McDonough: Investigation of factors contributing to the success of cross-functional teams

McDonough shows that increased use of cross-functional teams in NPD is related to higher project success. What's important to gain that success?

That companies must work in all dimensions to maximize the probability of achieving team success.

Cross-functional teams seem to be the key organizational tool for developing new products, but it's not clear under what circumstances. What is the purpose of McDonough regarding this?

It is twofold. On the one hand it seeks to understand the cross-functional team use and succes by researching:
1 What is the impetus (impuls) for companies to begin to use cross-functional teams)
2 What factors are perceived as being associated with cross-functional team success.
On the other hans it seeks to provide direction for future research through the development of a model

As explained the research of McDonough has been conducted within three areas: stage-setting elements, enables and teambehavior. Explain the four stage-setting elements that are used:

This are the variables that play a role in the product development process, and it includes:
1 Setting project goals (goals provides benefits like: providing a common focal point and make sure the teams effort stay within boundaries) = most important
2 Empowering project team members (can result in faster product development, greater cooperation, performance enhancing climate > innovative climate)
3 Establishing a project climate (stimulates a feeling of excitement and commitment towards the project)
4 The human resources of a team (diversity in teams improves design process performance)
> These 4 variables set the  stage for subsequent development
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As explained the research of McDonough has been conducted within three areas: stage-setting elements, enablers and teambehavior. Explain the three enablers that are used:

The focus is on the following individuals who have potential to enable cross-functional team success:
1 Team leadership (powerful leaders attract better team members and keep them focused and motivated) = most important
2 Senior management support (their support can be demonstrating commitment, helping to overcome obstacles, making things happen etc.)
3 Champions (this role can vary from doing little more than stimulating awareness of opportunities to playing a major role in overcoming strongly resistance by managers).

As explained the research of McDonough has been conducted within three areas: stage-setting elements, enablers and teambehavior. Explain the four team behaviors that are used:

The relationship between stage setters and enablers and team behavior is invested including these behavior:
1 Cooperation (positive influence on project performance) = most important
2 Commitment (to make a project successful)
3 Ownership (extra effort to ensure its succes)
4 Mutual respect (more respect, more open communication and trust)

What are the 7 most called reasons for adopting cross-functional teams? Name them from most mentioned to less mentioned and explain the first one. (McDonough)

1 Speed (to improve speed to market: reducing cycle time or speeding up development)
2 Quality
3 Customer satisfaction
4 Success rate
5 Lower costs
6 Need for new products
7 Maintaining schedules

Why cross-functional teams according to Flikkema?

Multiple sources of information/perspectives, higher implementation speed and higher quality of implementation
But: lower speed development and lower group cohesiveness. Cross-functional teams aren't sufficient, we also need other HR practices
> The teams are important for radical innovations

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