Offensive Strategies - Offensive strategy 1: invest to grow sales

4 important questions on Offensive Strategies - Offensive strategy 1: invest to grow sales

What could a company do to 'invest to grow sales'?

  1. Grow market share
  2. Grow revenue per customer
  3. Enter new market segments
  4. Expand market segments

When can a company 'grow revenue per customer'?

When a company has a solid brand reputation because customers already have faith in your company.

How can a company 'grow revenue per customer'?

  • Extend product lines
  • Increase price
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There are five forces that limit market demand. What are these?

  1. Buyers cannot afford the price (price)
  2. No attractive benefits for the customers (interest)
  3. Product is incompatible with lifestyle (compatibility)
  4. Product is unavailable at local retail outlets (availability)
  5. Buyers are not aware of the product (awareness)

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