Marketing Metrics and Marketing Profitability - Marketing metrics

6 important questions on Marketing Metrics and Marketing Profitability - Marketing metrics

Marketing performance metrics are important for two reasons:

  1. They provide measures of marketing performance, such as customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.
  2. They are correlated with profitability.

Marketing performance metrics fall into four major categories:

  1. Market metrics
  2. Customer metrics
  3. Competitiveness metrics
  4. Marketing profitability metrics

Market metrics are a part of marketing performance metrics. What do they measure? Name three metrics.

A market with respect to current performance and profit impact.
  1. Market growth rate
  2. Market share
  3. Market development index
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Customer metrics are a part of marketing performance metrics. What do they measure? Name three metrics.

A business or product in terms of its performance with customers.
  1. Customer satisfaction
  2. Customer retention
  3. Customer lifetime value

Competitiveness metrics are a part of marketing performance metrics? What do they measure? Name five metrics.

A business or product against benchmark competitors with respect to:
  1. Product performance
  2. Service quality
  3. Customer value
  4. Brand image
  5. Cost of purchase

Marketing profitability metrics are a part of marketing performance metrics. What do they measure? Name three metrics.

The profit impact of an investment in marketing and sales expenses.
  1. NMC
  2. Marketing ROI
  3. Marketing ROS

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