Value-Based Pricing and Pricing Strategies

6 important questions on Value-Based Pricing and Pricing Strategies

What are the two disadvantages of cost-based pricing?

  1. The customer performance needs and what the will pay for the desired level of product performance is not taken into consideration.
  2. Both competitors' offerings relative to customer needs and price sensitivity are not taken into consideration.

What are the four value drivers of market-based pricing?

  1. Product performance
  2. Quality of customer service
  3. Brand reputation
  4. Price

What is a penetration cost-based pricing strategy?

A strategy used to build volume in order to drive cost down. There is minimal product differentiation, customers are price-sensitive, there are many competitors/substitutes, and competitor entry is easy.
  • It is used in the early stage of the PLC.
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What are the three determinants of price elasticity?

  1. Ease of switching
  2. Supply/demand conditions
  3. Competitor price response

Why is an break-even analysis useful?

To evaluate the profit potential and risk associated with any pricing strategy or marketing strategy.

What is the calculation of price and break-even volume?

(operating income + fixed expenses ) / margin per unit

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