Market Segmentation and Segmentation Strategies - Segmentation strategies

4 important questions on Market Segmentation and Segmentation Strategies - Segmentation strategies

What are the seven segmentation strategies?

  1. Mass-market strategy
  2. Large-segment strategy
  3. Adjacent-segment strategy
  4. Multi-segment strategy
  5. Small-segment strategy
  6. Niche-segment strategy
  7. Sub-segment strategy

What is an adjacent-segment strategy?

When the company has focused on one segment (while having multiple) but has reached its full penetration, the adjacent segment is an attractive opportunity for market growth.

What is a small segment strategy?

A company focuses on only a small segment of the market when a business has limited resources and certain capabilities may elect to compete in only the smallest segment.
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What is a sub-segment strategy?

If there are differences in customer needs within segments that are not being met with the current segmentation, the sub-segment strategy is used.

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