Nenonen et al. (2019): Capabilities for market-shaping: triggering and facilitating increased value creation

21 important questions on Nenonen et al. (2019): Capabilities for market-shaping: triggering and facilitating increased value creation

Why is a comprehensive view of market-shaping capabilities needed?

To support the formulation and execution of marketshaping strategies, and to avoid widening the marketing capabilities gap

Like market-shaping, radical innovations can either transform existing markets through dramatic behavioural changes or create new ones. Why do most radical innovations fail?

Because firms do not seem to recognize that capabilities for creating or transforming markets differ from those used in the earlier stages of the innovation process

What do triggering capabilities entail?

They are responsible for directly creating change in the market system by innovating products/services, pricing and channels.

They generate new intra- and interstakeholder resource linkages by directly influencing various characteristics of the market.
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Like market-shaping, radical innovations can either transform existing markets through dramatic behavioural changes or create new ones. Why do most radical innovations fail?

Because firms do not seem to recognize that capabilities for creating or transforming markets differ from those used in the earlier stages of the innovation process

What do facilitating capabilities entail?

They characterize the culture of succesfull market-shapers by exploring and experimenting on new resource linkages, express their vision and engage stakeholders.

They enable market-shaping by discovering the value potential of new resource linkages and augment the impact of the triggering capabilities by mobilizing relevant resources

What are the 3 purposes of the market-shaping process for firms?

  1. Discover the value potential of linking intra- and interstakeholder resources in novel ways
  2. Trigger changes in various market characteristics to enable the formation of new resource linkages
  3. Mobilize relevant stakeholders to free up extant resources for new uses

Explain the conceptual model of the paper by Nenonen et al. (2018)?

  • On the left, the facilitating and triggering capabilities. They have an influence on new resource linkages
  • The new resource linkages have an influence on the market-level performance outcomes, performance outcomes for market-shaping firms and performance outcomes for other stakeholders
  • The emergent developments and other stakeholders' market-shaping activities have an influence on the new resource linkages

What are the 2 purposes of the reserach by Nenonen et al. (2019)?

  1. Provide a comprehensive categorization of capabilities needed for market-shaping
  2. Synthesize (samenvoegen) the identified capabilities into avconceptual framework that describes the process of market-shaping and its outcomes

What does the paper by Nenonen et al. (2019) offer?

A systematic inquiry focusing on the capabilities needed for market-shaping. The authors categorize both adaptive and dynamic marketing capabilities as market information and knowledge capabilities

How are markets conceptualized in the paper by Nenonen et al. (2019)?

As networks, systems or ecosystems

Which 8 triggering capabilities are identified (categorized in which 3 triggering capability sets?

  • Re-designing exchange
    • Developing products
    • Adjusting price or pricing
    • Modifying matching methods
  • Re-configuring network
    • Modifying own suppy network
    • Modifying customer-side features
    • Modifying provision
  • Re-forming institutions
    • Influencing representations
    • Influencing norms

What is the aim of market-shaping?

To enhance the value creation and realization for stakeholders in a market. Value creation happens when resources are combined in novel ways, the key being the ability to create, access, deploy, combine, and exchange them

Which 4 facilitating capabilities are identified (categorized in which 2 facilitating capability sets)?

  • Discovering value potential
    • Exploring
    • Experimenting
  • Mobilizing resources
    • Expressing
    • Engaging

Which two facilitating capabilities are among the higher level dynamic capabilities? And what is the advantage of those?

  • Expressing & engaging
  • They enhance understanding of the dynamic capabilities needed to effective influence the wider operating environment and forge new resource linkages

What is needed for firms to be successful in market-shaping according to Nenonen et al. (2019)?

Firms need to broaden their strategic focus. In addition to having competitive strategies aimed at increasing market share, firms should also develop strategies for increasing the size of the pie, i.e., growing the size and profitability of the markets they operate in

What is required for developing a market-shaping strategy?

Firms need to adopt a systemic view of their markets, and deliberately pay attention to the opportunities and developments beyond the firm–customer and firm–competitor dyads

Does a market-shaping approach seem to be best suitend for longer- or shorter-term strategies?

Longer-term strategies

Result: What requires improved value creation in terms of resources?

Improved value creation requires linking resources between various organizations and individuals in novel ways, making inter-stakeholder resource linkages the core of market-shaping.

What is the main conclusion in the paper by Nenonen et al. (2019)?

In order to improve value creation in a market, market-shapers must consider a larger system of relevant stakeholders, recognize the institutional arrangements governing their behaviors, and foster new resource linkages within and across stakeholders.

Do succesfull market-shaped strategies generate positive performance for the particular firm itself or also for the other stakeholders in the market?

Also for the other stakeholders in the market

Which theory is used in the paper by Nenonen et al. (2019)?

Grounded theory

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