Mani & Chouk (2019): Impact of privacy concerns on resistance to smart services: does the ‘Big Brother effect’ matter? - Most important

4 important questions on Mani & Chouk (2019): Impact of privacy concerns on resistance to smart services: does the ‘Big Brother effect’ matter? - Most important

Which two research questions are adressed in the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  1. What is the impact of privacy concerns on consumer resistance to smart services?
  2. To what extent does the BBE have an impact on these concerns and on consumer resistance to smart services?

Explain the conceptual framework of the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019).

The theoretical framework represents the variables which are included in the study and the formulated hypothesis. All positive relationships are expected.

This model indentifies privacy concerns as antecedents to resistance to smart services.

What are the three main objectives of the research?

  1. To identify consumers’ privacy concerns within the framework of the IoT
  2. To test the impact of these privacy concerns on consumers’ resistance to innovation
  3. To investigate to what extent the BBE improves our understanding of negative consumer reactions to new smart services
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What are the two main conclusions from the paper of Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  • Resistance to smart services is directly influenced by various privacy concerns: information privacy, the unauthorized secondary use of personal information and perceived intrusion.
  • BBE has a major role as an antecedent to these consumers’ various privacy concerns

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