Plouffe et al. (2001): Intermediating technologies and multi-group adoption: a comparison of consumer and merchant adoption intentions toward a new electronic payment system

14 important questions on Plouffe et al. (2001): Intermediating technologies and multi-group adoption: a comparison of consumer and merchant adoption intentions toward a new electronic payment system

Result: Which antecedent was important for consumers but not for merchants?


Result: Consumers seem to value the notion that ..... (1), whereas merchants seem to place more value on ...(2). What need to be on the lines?

  1. The adoption decision is under their control
  2. antecedents that have the potential to add to their bottom line

Result: With which two elements were the merchants most concerned?

Image and visability of the innovation
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According to Moore & Benbasat, observability is a too broad construct. Therefore, they divided this into two constructs in the Intention to Adopt Model Using PCI Measures. Which two constructs?

  • Visibility
    • The extent to which an innovation is perceived to be widely used
  • Result demonstrability
    • The degree to which the unique features and benefits of an innovation are readily discerned (gemakkelijk te onderscheiden zijn) by the potential adopter

Result: What was the only antecedent that was not significantly related to the intention to adopt fot both consumer groups?


How are ease-of-use, image and volunariness defined in the article by Plouffe et al. (2001)?

  • Ease-of-use: The degree to which an innovation is perceived to be easy to use.
  • Image: The degree to which an individual believes that an innovation will bestow (schenken/opleveren) them with added prestigue or status in their relevant community.
  • Voluntariness: The extent to which the adoption of an innovation is perceived to be under an individual's volitional (vrijwillige) control.

Result: Which antecedent is more important for:
  • The participating consumer group
  • The non-participating consumer group?

  • Participating consumer group: Voluntariness
  • Non-participating consumer group: Visibility

Result: Which aspect is marginally more important to the participating consumer group compared to the non-particitating consumer group?


Result: What was the only significant antecedent among non-participating merchants?

Perceived relative advantage

Result: Which four antecedents were significant for both consumer groups? And which one does explain 40% of the model?

  • Perceived relative advantage (40%!)
  • Compatibility
  • Voluntariness
  • Image

Result: Which aspects have a smaller effect on the intent to adopt for the non-participating consumer group, but are still significant?

Result demonstrability, visability and voluntariness

Result: On which two aspects do consumers place heavy emphasis?

Compatibility & perceived relative advantage

What is the main conclusion for practice?

It is necessary to institute different marketing tactics to attract the early adopting groups. Over time, it may also be necessary to develop and use different marketing tactics for later adopters

Explain the Intention to Adopt Model Using PCI Measures.

This model is indicating which aspects are influencing the intention to adopt an innovation. 8 antecedents for the intention to adopt:
  • Relative advantage
  • Comparability
  • Trialability
  • Ease-of-Use
  • Visibility
  • Result demonstrability
  • Image
  • Voluntariness

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