Gatzweiler et al. (2017): Dark side or bright light: destructive and constructive deviant content in consumer ideation contests

13 important questions on Gatzweiler et al. (2017): Dark side or bright light: destructive and constructive deviant content in consumer ideation contests

Which kinds of deviant content can be defined as legitimate?

Humorous, provocative, unique, violation from technical and social norms

Which 3 implications has the paper by Gatzweiler et al. (2017) for practice?

  1. Firms should not host ideation contests lightly. Be aware that they give up control.
  2. Firms should install contest manager who continuously monitors content.
  3. Firms should take participants’ contributions seriously and not camouflage.

What is meant by deviant co-creation content?

  • When consumers post contributions that range from incongruous (absurd) to the contest subject or its host to obscene (gemeen) and illegal
  • Content differing from some norm or standard or deviating from audience expectations
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What are the advantages of online company-customer communication?

  • Positive impacts of firm-generated content and the value of networked narratives
  • Consumers appear less fulfilled by the act of consumption itself and more inclined to engage in creative contributions

Why can co-creation be risky?

  • The rate of unexpected and unwanted ideas generated through co-creation is increasing
  • You give up substantial amount of control to unknown crowd

Explain the figure regarding the patterns of deviant contents and the categorization and action requirements.

The four patterns and the categorization and actions are diplayed.

What are customer ideation contests and how do they work?

  • Customer ideation contests are commonly used form of co-creation, providing access to the contributions by worldwide pool of talented people
  • Typically, contestants can submit own designs and comment on their and others’ designs

Wich deviant content pattern(s) is/are regarded as content violating the task requirements?

  • Violation of terms & conditions (violation, deframing, obscene)
  • Questioning of contest, platform or firm (criticism on principles)

Which deviant content pattern(s) is/are regarded as ligitimate content?

  • Deviation from norms (social & technical)
  • Deviation from reference content (provocation, humor, uniqueness)

Which effect of deviant content is a critical factor?

The effect of deviant content on other participants and observers of the contest. Expected is that both destructive and constructive deviant content will activate others, leading them to interact with
the contest

How can hosts transform disruptive ideas into useful sparks for innovation?

By identifying and separating constructive from destructive deviant content

For which deviant content pattern(s) is/are dedicated action needed?

  • Questioning of contest, platform or firm
  • Deviation from norms
  • Deviation from reference content

To what can constructive deviant content lead?

To positive discussions in comment sections and other social media outlets, contributing to firm’s innovation potential

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