Sorescu et al. (2003): Sources and financial consequences of radical innovation: insights from pharmaceuticals

7 important questions on Sorescu et al. (2003): Sources and financial consequences of radical innovation: insights from pharmaceuticals

There are four types of product innovations. Which ones are those? And how are those positioned in the matrix?

  • Incremental innovation
    • Low newness of technology
    • Low customer-need fulfillment
  • Market breakthrough
    • Low newness of technology
    • High customer-need fulfillment
  • Technological breakthrough
    • High newness of technology
    • Low customer-need fulfillment
  • Radical innovation
    • High newness of technology
    • High customer-need fulfillment

Which four RQ's are researched in the paper by Sorescu et al. (2003)?

  1. Who introduces a greater number of radical innovations: dominant or non-dominant firms?
  2. How great are the financial rewards to radical innovations, and how do these rewards vary across dominant and non-dominant firms?
  3. Is it only a firms’ resources in the aggregate or also its focus and leverage of resources that make its innovations more financially valuable?
  4. Which are more valuable: innovations that incorporate a breakthrough technology or innovations that provide a substantial increase in customer benefits?

How is dominance defined? And what are its three dimensions?

The level of market power a firm yields.
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How is financial value assessed in this study?

The financial value is assessed by the net present value (NPV) of the future cash flows expected from the innovation.

Result: Are radical innovations, technological breakthroughs and market breakthroughs valued more highly when introduced by firms with low or high product scope?

Valued more highly when introduced by firms with high product scope

Result: Which type of product innovation (radical innovations, technological breakthroughs and market breakthroughs) is valued the highest?

  • Radical innovations are valued the higher then technological and market breakthroughs
  • No differneces in valuation between technological and market breakthrougs found

What are the 3 main conclusions of the paper by Sorescu et al. (2003)?

  • The financial rewards of innovation vary dramatically across firms and are tied closely to firm’s resource base.
  • Firms that provide higher per-product levels of marketing and technology support obtain much greater financial rewards from their radical innovations than do other firms.
  • Firms that have greater depth and breadth in their product portfolio also gain more from their radical innovations.

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