Lilien et al. (2002): Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development

7 important questions on Lilien et al. (2002): Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development

Which research question is addressed in the paper by Lilien et al. (2002)?

How does the lead user process actually perform relative to more traditionally used methods?

Lead-user idea-generation differs from traditional idea-generation in two ways. Which two ways?

  1. The kind of respondents from whom information is collected
  2. The type of information that is collected

Traditional methods obtain information about needs from the customers at the centre of the target market. Lead user methods collect information on needs and ideas for solutions from lead users

What is the lead user idea-generation process?

The lead user idea-generation process collects information about both needs and solutions from users at the leading edges of the target market, as well as from users in other markets that face
similar problems in a more extreme form
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What are the 5 phases of the lead user idea-generation process?

  1. Goal generation and team formation
    • A goal is set and a team is formed.
  2. Trend research
    • Information sources on trends in the marketplace are exploring. Selecting important trends to focus on
  3. Lead user pyramid networking
    • Identify and learn from users at the leading edge of the important trends selected
  4. Lead user workshop and idea imporvement
    • 15-20 lead users are invited in a workshop to work with company personnel to improve the preliminary concepts. Evaluating on technical feasibility, market appeal and management priorities
  5. Test in regular market

What are the 5 phases of the lead user idea-generation process?

  1. Goal generation and team formation
    • A goal is set and a team is formed.
  2. Trend research
    • Information sources on trends in the marketplace are exploring. Selecting important trends to focus on
  3. Lead user pyramid networking
    • Identify and learn from users at the leading edge of the important trends selected
  4. Lead user workshop and idea imporvement
    • 15-20 lead users are invited in a workshop to work with company personnel to improve the preliminary concepts. Evaluating on technical feasibility, market appeal and management priorities
  5. Test in regular market

What are the 3 main conclusions of the paper by Lilien et al. (2002)?

  • Lead user idea generation generates breakthrough new products at a higher rate than traditional idea generation methods
  • Annual sales for the average funded lead user project were more than eight times higher than projected sales for traditional projects.
  • Lead user ideas involved a higher level of intellectual property protection than the ideas generated by non-lead user methods.

What is the answer on the research question ''How does the LU process actually perform relative to more traditionally used methods''?

The lead user idea-generation method does appear to generate better results than traditional methods

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