Evanschitzky et al. (2012): Success factors of product innovation: an updated meta-analysis

12 important questions on Evanschitzky et al. (2012): Success factors of product innovation: an updated meta-analysis

What kind of study is the paper by Evanschitzky et al. (2012) and what is investigated?

  • The study is a meta-analysis
  • The study investigates the succes factors of product innovation

What is the main objective of the paper by Evanschitzky et al. (2012)?

The main objective of the paper is to provide an updated and extended meta-analytic investigation of the factors affecting new product success (NPS)

Result: Which 6 non-significant predictors are found (predictors that did not impact NPS)?

  • Product meeting consumer needs
  • Product price
  • Product innovativeness
  • Order of entry
  • Project/organisation size,
  • Degree of centralisation
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Result: Which 2 predictors are most important for NPS on a more aggregate level (algmeen niveau)?

  • Categories of process
  • Strategy characteristics

Result: Which moderator has the highest explanatory power?


Result: Are the effects of
  • Dedicated human resources
  • Predevelopment task proficiency
  • Marketing task proficiency
  • Cross-functional integration
  • Organisational design
  • Launch proficiency
  • Environmental uncertainty
  • External relations
stronger for low-tech or high-tech markets?

  • Effects of dedicated human resources, predevelopment task proficiency, marketing tasks proficiency, cross-functional integration, and organisational design are stronger for high-tech than for low-tech markets.
  • Effects of launch proficiency, environmental uncertainty and external relations are stronger for low-tech than for high-tech markets

Result: Are the effects of
  • Organisational climate
  • Product advantage
  • Marketing task proficiency
  • External relations
stonger for goods or services?

  • The effect of organisational climate as a moderator is stronger for services than for goods,
  • Whereas effects of product advantage, marketing task proficiency, and external relations are stronger for goods than for services

Result: Which aspect plays a negligible (verwaarloosbare) role as succes factor of new products?

Marketplace characteristics

Result: Which 2 predictors have the strongest positive effects on NPS?

  • Market orientation
  • Product advantage

Hofstede’s country index scores were
used to measure cultural orientations on five cultural dimensions: individualism, long-term orientation, masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. What are the 4 most important results of this?

  • The overall effects of the success factor categories are weaker for individualistic countries
  • Risk-averse countries have stronger effects on NPS: strategy, process, and marketplace are significantly stronger predictors of NPS
  • Long-term orientation shows weaker effects of NPS, particularly for process, marketplace and organisational predictors
  • Power distance leads to weaker effects on NPS, particularly for process and organisational predictors

What are the two main conclusions of the paper by Evanschitzky et al. (2012)?

  • Culture emerges as an important moderating factor
  • The importance of success factors generally declines over time: competitive advantages become smaller because the success factors are known by managers

Hofstede’s country index scores were
used to measure cultural orientations on five cultural dimensions: individualism, long-term orientation, masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. What are the 4 most important results of this?

  • The overall effects of the success factor categories are weaker for individualistic countries
  • Risk-averse countries have stronger effects on NPS: strategy, process, and marketplace are significantly stronger predictors of NPS
  • Long-term orientation shows weaker effects of NPS, particularly for process, marketplace and organisational predictors
  • Power distance leads to weaker effects on NPS, particularly for process and organisational predictors

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