Mani & Chouk (2019): Impact of privacy concerns on resistance to smart services: does the ‘Big Brother effect’ matter?

14 important questions on Mani & Chouk (2019): Impact of privacy concerns on resistance to smart services: does the ‘Big Brother effect’ matter?

What are the two main contributions of the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  1. The first study to look at resistance to innovation from the standpoint of privacy
  2. It proposes a definition of the concept of the Big Brother effect and provides an empirical evidence of its impact on consumer privacy concerns

How can consumer resistance be defined within this study?

Consumer resistance in our research can be defined as an individual negative reaction toward a new product/service.
  • Individual resistance, micro-level perspective

What is the aim of the study by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of the factors that explain consumer resistance to smart services from a privacy perspective, focus on privacy concerns
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Which two research questions are adressed in the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  1. What is the impact of privacy concerns on consumer resistance to smart services?
  2. To what extent does the BBE have an impact on these concerns and on consumer resistance to smart services?

What does the theoretical model of resistance to innovation from Ram & Seth (1989) state?

This model states that the consumer may be hesitant to use a new service due to 5 barriers:
  • Usage barrier (complexity)
  • Value barrier (economic performance)
  • Risk barrier
  • Image barrier
  • Tradition barrier

What does the theoretical model of resistance to innovation from Ram & Seth (1989) state?

This model states that the consumer may be hesitant to use a new service due to 5 barriers:
  • Usage barrier (complexity)
  • Value barrier (economic performance)
  • Risk barrier
  • Image barrier
  • Tradition barrier

What are the three main objectives of the research?

  1. To identify consumers’ privacy concerns within the framework of the IoT
  2. To test the impact of these privacy concerns on consumers’ resistance to innovation
  3. To investigate to what extent the BBE improves our understanding of negative consumer reactions to new smart services

Result: Which antecedent was found to have the greatest impact on resistance to smart services?

The unauthorized secondary use of personal information

How did Mani & Chouk study the consumer privacy concerns about the IoT? Of which 3 parts consisted the study?

By conducting a preliminary qualitative study consisting of 19 semi-structured interviews. 19 participants were used from France with different characteristics.

The study consisted of 3 parts:
  1. General questions about the respondents' expertise and use of new technologies and their knowledge of the IoT
  2. A video was shown which was intended to help respondents understand how a smart service works
  3. Open questiontions about smart services after watching the video 

Explain the conceptual framework of the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019).

The theoretical framework represents the variables which are included in the study and the formulated hypothesis. All positive relationships are expected.

This model indentifies privacy concerns as antecedents to resistance to smart services.

Which two implications for practice are mentioned in the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  1. The authors propose a strategy based on promoting the company’s ethical values, which may involve greater transparency in the management of consumers’ personal data
  2. Companies need to develop a relational strategy to address concerns related to the Big Brother effect

What are the two main conclusions from the paper of Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  • Resistance to smart services is directly influenced by various privacy concerns: information privacy, the unauthorized secondary use of personal information and perceived intrusion.
  • BBE has a major role as an antecedent to these consumers’ various privacy concerns

Which two implications for practice are mentioned in the paper by Mani & Chouk (2019)?

  1. The authors propose a strategy based on promoting the company’s ethical values, which may involve greater transparency in the management of consumers’ personal data
  2. Companies need to develop a relational strategy to address concerns related to the Big Brother effect

What are the four most important variables (from the preliminary study about consumers privacy concerns) that are taken into account for explaining resistance to smart services and what do these variabeles entail?

  • Information privacy
    • A high concern for privacy and a desire to exercise control over personal data
  • Perceived intrusion
    • A perception of a harmful incursion into the space of personal information, a fundamental component of privacy concern
  • Unauthorized secondary use
    • The risk where information is collected from individuals for one purpose but is used for another, secondary purpose without authorization from the individuals
  • Big Brother effect
    • The perception by the individual of a world subject to monitoring and control by known or unknown, visible or invisible entities that possess specific and above-average technical powers

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