Roberts & Piller (2016): Finding the right role for social media in innovation

25 important questions on Roberts & Piller (2016): Finding the right role for social media in innovation

Was the effect positive or negative for companies who utilized social media sources exclusively to search for technical information?

They saw no improvements in NPD performance, the effect was even negative, due to information overload and the complexity of processing such information.

Why does this research suggest that the expected positive results are frequently not realized in practice?

  • The use of social media by companies for NPD lags far behind social media use by the general public
  • Many companies do not know how to utilize social media for innovation
  • Some companies have seen their innovation performance negatively affected

Why did some companies benefit from using social media for NPD, what did they do?

They used social media in every stage of the development process; they built organizational processes and structures to support new product development activity
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Which 3 types of goals can organizations strive for with using social media for the NPD process?

  1. To understand the latest trends in their marketplace and obtain customer insights
  2. To co-create with customers to develop new ideas and concepts
  3. To support the launch of their new products and use social media to create awareness and positive word of mouth among users

To realize the potential of social media for new product development, product developers must engage in three interrelated activities. Which ones?

  1. They need to listen to and learn from user-generated content
  2. They need to engage and facilitate dialogue with customer innovators
  3. They need to find an audience of early adopters to create excitement for new products and collect feedback for their improvement

Companies that lack a ...... by incorporating social media into their new product development process won’t be able to reap the potential rewards. What is ?

Vision of what they want to achieve

What are the advantages of co-creation in the NPD process?

When companies cocreate with customers, their products have been found to be more innovative and better suited to the market, thus making them more attractive to customers and enhancing profits

Social media use does not automatically lead to improved performance in new product development. When can it lead to improved performance?

Companies must develop a dedicated strategy that links social media to product development and to their corporate objectives. Managers need to question what they are trying to achieve.

To tap the potential of social media, innovators have to determine which skills and competencies they need to be effective in different stages of the new product development process. Which skills are critical in the early and later stages?

In the early stages, strong skills in market research and data analytics are critical

In the later stages the most essential skills are the ability to communicate with different types of potential buyers and the ability to understand and manage the impact of both positive and negative word of mouth.

What are the two recommendations for companies to seek to use their social media capabilities to inform their innovation efforts?

Emphasize the social
Companies that recognized the importance of the “social” and helped to create an environment for socializing - one that helped people to create/ enhance relationships — benefited through people’s subsequent engagement with the company’s online innovation activities.

Customize your approach to each platform
To obtain valuable NPD insights from social media platforms, companies need to take a unique approach to each platform, since people use different social media platforms for different purposes.

What are the 3 main findings of the article by Roberts & Piller (2016)?

  1. Less than 50% of the companies surveyed use social media during the new product development process.
  2. For many companies, the benefits of using social media for new product development fell short of expectations.
  3. To generate improvements, companies should develop strategies that link social media to their corporate objectives.

If a company’s objective is to identify market trends and to generate customer insights, the activities are designed to .....?

To extend the breadth and depth of how organizations search for innovations.

What are the activities within Camp Cocreate focused on?

The activities are focused on developing collaborative skills and facilitating interaction with users to involve them in the development of new products or services.

What is the main conclusion drawn based on the collected data in the study?

This data showed positive effects for companies that utilized social media in all stages of the innovation process, but it found that companies should have dedicated structures and an innovation culture to capture the benefits

Attaining positive affirmations (such as “likes” on Facebook or Twitter) can attract attention, which can stimulate......?

Interest in the new product launch. This, in turn, can lead to early product acceptance and subsequent demand.

If the company’s goal is to generate awareness and publicize the launch of new products, what needs to be the core activity to learn?

Learning how to design and develop innovative product launch campaigns using social media

If the company’s goal is to generate awareness and publicize the launch of new products, what needs to be the core activity to learn?

Learning how to design and develop innovative product launch campaigns using social media

What is an important skill to learn in Camp Communicate?

Learning how to manage the risks associated with negative word of mouth and how to use positive word of mouth to the company’s advantage.

When might it be a good idea to communicate with Facebook fans?

To rally (opleven) the support of opinion leaders and brand fans when launching a new product

Which medium is best to use by organizations when they are looking for latent insights from lead users?

Tapping into a user forum in a related area, where participants are discussing relevant problems in detail

Which medium is best to use by organizations when they are looking for latent insights from lead users?

Tapping into a user forum in a related area, where participants are discussing relevant problems in detail

What is critical in the effectiveness of social media for new product development and why?

To the extent that the effectiveness of social media for new product development is influenced by so many different skills and competences tied to different functional areas, departments, and individuals, it’s critical that top leadership play an active role by encouraging cooperation and idea sharing among the various players.

What is the job of a social media innovation leader?

To align the different strategies and tools and help define a coherent social media strategy for new product development. To manage the relationships among the various colleagues in the
company’s different social media camps.

Why are consultants and academics touting (aanprijzen) social media as a resource for innovation and new product development?

Because it is a vehicle for developing customer insights, accessing knowledge, cocreating ideas and concepts with users, and supporting new product launches.

To realize the potential of social media for new product development, product developers must engage in three interrelated activities. Which ones?

  1. They need to listen to and learn from user-generated content
  2. They need to engage and facilitate dialogue with customer innovators
  3. They need to find an audience of early adopters to create excitement for new products and collect feedback for their improvement

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