Van Kleef et al. (2005): Consumer research in the early stages of new product development: a critical review of methods and techniques - Definition methods

6 important questions on Van Kleef et al. (2005): Consumer research in the early stages of new product development: a critical review of methods and techniques - Definition methods

Explain the method Category appraisal.

It is used to obtain a visual representation of positions that products hold in the consumers’ mind. It shows the structure of markets as perceived or preferred by consumers. This helps product developers to discover product opportunities and to identify attributes which drive product choice

Explain the method Free elicitation.

Personal interviewing technique in which the respondent is asked to express the attributes he/she considers relevant in the perception of a particular product set.

Explain the method Information Acceleration (IA)?

A concept testing method employing multimedia stimuli and
experimental set-ups.
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Explain the method Kelly repertory grid.

A personal interviewing technique used to elicit the constructs by which consumers structure and interpret a product category. Constructs, for example attributes of products, are elicited by repeatedly confronting a respondent with triads of
products drawn from a large set and asking which two products are alike and different from a third

Explain the method Lead user technique.

Selected consumers are involved who have advanced knowledge
about the product and usage. By creating solutions to their own problems, they are believed to be able to predict new and successful products.

Explain the method Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET).

Projective technique in which consumers create collages characteristic of their feelings and experiences about a product or research topic.

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