New media

9 important questions on New media

What is meant by opinion leadership?

Process by which one person (usually an opinion leader) informally influences the actions or attitudes of others

Why is WoM so effective?

  • Credibility: objective
  • Positive and negative product information

  • OL => information & advice
  • OL => two-way street: consumers are either opinion leader or receivers

What is the motivation of listening to opinion leaders?

  • Reduce risk in making a purchase commitment
  • Reduce search time (e.g. avoid the necessity of shopping around)
  • Learn what products are new in the marketplace
  • Learn how to use or consume a product
  • Buy products that have the approval of others, thereby ensuring acceptance
  • Share social dialogue, have opportunity to pass message to others by becoming opinion leaders
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What are striking facts about WoM ?

  • Consumers are 3-10x more likely to share a negative experience than a positive one
  • Negative WoM about a food product retarded sales more than twice as much as positive WoM promoted sales

How can an organization work with negative WoM?

  1. Do nothing
  2. Refutation
  3. Activation of other associations e.g. french fries, yummy milk shakes…

Working with associative network is most effective

What is meant by Brand-related User Generated Content?

Brand-related User Generated Content (UGC) comprises the voluntary creation and public distribution of personal brand meaning undertaken by non-marketers outside the branding corporation and enabled by multimedia technology.“

What is User Generated Branding?

„User Generated Branding (UGB) is the strategic and operative management of brand-related user generated content (UGC) to achieve brand goals.“

What are the rules of creating appealing video content? (AEIOU)

  • Authentic => real people in actual locations
  • Entertaining => people enjoy fun of content
  • Intimate => Stories or personal drama experienced by peers
  • Offbeat => Challenge taboo or strange subjects that can be highly popular
  • Unusual => Unusual may be further edited by other content creators

What are three guidelines for creating appealing video content?

  1. Get to the point quickly, or otherwise convince the viewer to keep watching
  2. Try to keep continuity of theme between videos
  3. Do not focus solely on creating a viral video

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