Awareness phase - FCB matrix

4 important questions on Awareness phase - FCB matrix

What is a low cognitive purchase? What does the customer feel/think? High or low involvement? Example?

The customer considered the purchase very well but has low involvement. Are cheap products like food, household or cleaning products.

What is a high cognitive purchase? What does the customer feel/think? High or low involvement? Example?

Considered the purchase mentally. Has high involvement. Often expensive products like cars, laptop, or smartphone.

What is a low affective purchase? What does the customer feel/think? High or low involvement? Example?

Emotional purchase with low involvement. Cheap products that fulfill personal needs like cigarettes, candy, or alcoholic beverages.
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What is a high affective purchase? What does the customer feel/think? High or low involvement? Example?

Bought based on feeling. High involvement so thinks it is an important product. To get a better image. Expensive products like perfume, jewelry, or designer clothing.

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