Awareness phase - Customer profile

9 important questions on Awareness phase - Customer profile

What are customer jobs when looking at a customers profile?

Describes what the customer is trying to get done. (a day in a life of)

What are functional jobs?

When the customer is trying to complete a specific task. Usually very logistic.

What are social jobs?

Customer wants to look good or gain status.
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What are personal/ emotional jobs?

The customer is seeking an emotional state such as a good or secure feeling.

What are supporting jobs?

Purchasing and consuming value.

What are three kinds of supporting jobs?

  1. Buyer value
  2. co-creator of value
  3. transferrer of value

What is buyer value when looking into supporting jobs?

Jobs related to buying value such as comparing offers or standing in a check out line.

What is co-creator value when looking into supporting jobs?

Related to co-creating value such as posting product reviews.

What is transferrer of value when looking into supporting jobs?

Related to the end of value proposition's life cycle, such as cancelling a subscription.

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