Crafting the Brand positioning - Developing and Establishing a Brand positioning

6 important questions on Crafting the Brand positioning - Developing and Establishing a Brand positioning

Steps to make a competitive frame of reference:

  1. Identify competitors; category membership
  2. Analyse competitors; real and perceivend strenghts and weaknesses, strategies and objectives

Criteria of points of difference?

  • Desirable
  • Deliverable
  • Differentiating

Which two forms of points-of-parity are there?

  • Category POP
  • Competitive POP
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A perceptual map is

a visual representation of consumer perceptions and preferences.

What is a brand mantra?

A brand mantra is an articulation of the heart and soul of the brand and is closely related to other branding concepts like "brand essence" and "core brand promise".

Criteria of a brand mantra:

  • Communicate
  • Simplify
  • Inspire

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