Designing and managing integrated marketing - Channel design decisions

8 important questions on Designing and managing integrated marketing - Channel design decisions

What do marketers need to analyze for channel design system?

  • Analyze customer wants and needs
  • Establish objectives and constraints
  • Evaluate and identify alternatives.

Three types of shoppers

  1. service/quality customers
  2. price/value customers
  3. affinity customers

What are the five service outputs of channels?

  1. Lot size; number of units the channel permits the typical customer to buy on one occasion
  2. Waiting and delivery time; average time customers wait for receipt of goods.
  3. Spatial convenience; the degree to which the marketing channel makes it easier to purchase the product.
  4. Product variety; assortment provided by the channel
  5. service backup; add-on services
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Channel alternatives differ in three ways:

  • Types of intermediaries
  • Number of intermediaries
  • Terms and responsiblilities

Three strategies based on the number of intermediaries:

  1. Exclusive distribution; limiting number of intermediaries
  2. Selective distribution; relies on some of the intermediaries willing to carry a particular product
  3. Intensive distribution; places goods and services in as many outlets as possible.

The four channel management tasks that are made after a company has chosen a channel system:

  • Selecting channel members
  • Training motivating channel members
  • Evaluating channel members
  • Modifying channel design and arrangements

Types of channel power:

  • Coercive power; threatens to withdraw a resource or terminate relationship.
  • Reward power; extra benefit
  • Legitimate power; warranted in contract
  • Expert power; special knowledge
  • Referent power; respect

Different marketing systems

  • Vertical marketing system: includes producer, wholesaler and retailer acting as unified system
  • Horizontal marketing system: two or more unrelated companies put together resources or programs to exploit an emerging marketing opportunity.
  • Integrated marketing channel system: strategies and tactics of selling through one channel reflect strategies and tactics of selling through one or more channels.

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