Creating long-term loyalty relationships - Customer databases and database marketing

4 important questions on Creating long-term loyalty relationships - Customer databases and database marketing

What is the difference between a customer mailing list and a customer database?

A customer mailing list includes names, addresses , telephone numbers, while a customer database contains much more information accumulated through transactions, cookies and every customer contact.

What is a business database?

Business database contains business customer's past purchases, volumes, prices, profits, buyer names (ages, birthdays, favorite food etc.), status of contracts etc.

Downside of database marketing and crm:

  1. Some situations are not conducive to database management
  2. Building and maintaining a customer database requires a large investment.
  3. It may be difficult to get everyone in the company to be customer oriented and use the available information
  4. Not all customers want a relationship with the company.
  5. Assumptions behind CRM may not always hold true.
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In what 5 ways can companies use their databases?

  1. To identify prospects
  2. To decide which customers should receive a particular offer
  3. To deepen customer loyalty
  4. To reactivate customer purchases
  5. To avoid serious customer mistakes

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