Analyzing consumer markets - What influences consumer behavior?

6 important questions on Analyzing consumer markets - What influences consumer behavior?

By what is a customer's buying behavior influenced?

Cultural, social and personal factors.

What is a reference group? What different types are there?

A reference group has a direct effect or indirect effect on the attitude and behavior of a person. Different types are:
  • Membership groups: have a direct influence.
    - Primary groups: continuously and informal interaction, e.g. family, friends
    - Secondary groups: more formal en less continuous interaction, e.g. church religious, professional, trade-union groups.
  • Aspirational groups: those that a person hopes to join.
  • Dissociative groups: those whose values or behavior an individual rejects.

In what 3 ways do reference groups influence an individual?

  1. Expose an individual to new behaviors and lifestyles
  2. Influence attitude and self-concept
  3. Create pressure for conformity that may affect product and brand choice.
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Explain the difference between role and status.

A role consists of the activities a person is expected to perform. Each role implies a status.

What is the difference between personality and brand personality?

  • Personality: a set of distinguishable human psychological traits that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to environmental stimuli.
  • Brand personality: a specific mix of human traits that we attribute to a particular brand.

What are core values?

Core values are the belief systems that underlie attitudes and behaviors. Go much deeper than behavior or attitude, and determine people's choices and desires over the long term.

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