Competitive Dynamics - Competitive strategies for market leaders

6 important questions on Competitive Dynamics - Competitive strategies for market leaders

Goals of market leaders:

  • Expand total market demand
  • Protect current market share
  • Increase market share

Two ways to expand total market demand:

  • New customers
  • More usage

Two ways to protect market share?

  • Proactive marketing
  • Defensive marketing
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Three distinctions between proactive marketing:

  • Anticipative marketing; looks ahead to needs customers may have in the near future.
  • Creative marketing; discovers solutions customers did not ask for but to which they enthusiastically respond.
  • Responsive marketing finds a staded need and fills it in.

Six types of defense strategies:

  1. Position defense
  2. Flank defense
  3. Preemtive defense
  4. Counteroffensive defense
  5. Mobile defense
  6. Contraction defense

Four factors a company should consider before buying a higher market share:

  • Possibility of provoking antitrust action
  • Economic cost; there exists an optimal market share, after that percentage profitability might fall.
  • The danger of pursuing the wrong marketing activities;
  • The effect of increased market share on actual and perceived quality.

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