Company orientation toward the marketplace

9 important questions on Company orientation toward the marketplace

What are the different marketing concepts?

  • Production concept
  • Product concept
  • Selling concept
  • Marketing concept
  • Holistic marketing concept

Only the marketing concept focuses on the customer!

What is the production concept?

One of the oldest concepts. Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive.

Managers focus on: production efficiency, low costs, and mass distribution.

What is the product concept?

Consumers favor products offering the most quality, performance or innovative features.
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What is the selling concept?

Consumers and businesses won't buy enough of the product when left alone.

Explain the holistic marketing concept. What does it consist of?

Based on the development, design and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities that recognize their width and interdependenties.
Acknowledges that everything matters in marketing and that a broad, integrated perspective is often necessary.

Consists of:
  • Relationship marketing
  • Integrated marketing
  • Internal marketing
  • Performance marketing

As a component of holistic marketing. What is relationship marketing?

  • The aim is to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key constituents in order to earn an retain their business.
  • Key constituents are employees, customers, marketing partners and members of financial community.
  • Developing relationship by understanding their capabilities, needs, goals, resources and desires.
  • Ultimate outcome marketing network consists of the company and all key stakeholders.

Explain integrated marketing (holistic marketing concept)

Integrated marketing occurs when the marketer thinks of marketing activities and assembles marketing programs to create, communicate and deliver value for consumers such that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
Key themes are (1) many different marketing activities create, communicate and deliver value and (2) marketers should design and implement any one marketing activity with all other activities in mind.

As a component of holistic marketing. What is internal marketing?

  • Task of hiring, training and motivating employees who want to serve customers well.
  • Everyone in the organization embraces appropriate marketing principles.

Explain performance marketing (holistic marketing concept)

Performance marketing requires understanding the financial and non-financial returns to business and society from marketing activities and programs.

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