Conducting Marketing Research - Measuring marketing productivity

3 important questions on Conducting Marketing Research - Measuring marketing productivity

Why do you want to measure marketing productivity?

  • Marketing expenses are an investment
  • Marketing competes for resources
  • Motivate, evaluate and reward managers

What are complementary approaches to measuring marketing productivity? And explain marketing dashboards.

  • Marketing metrics: to assess marketing effects
  • Marketing-mix modeling: to estimate causal relationships
  • Marketing dashboards: structured way to distribute the insights gained from these 2 approaches within the organization.

Marketing metrics(set of measures that helps marketers quantify, compare and interpret their marketing performance)

  • Awareness of goals
  • Commitment to goals
  • Active support
  • Resource adequacy
  • Staffing levels
  • Desire to learn
  • Willingness to change
  • Freedom to fail
  • Autonomy

  • Awareness
  • Market share
  • Relative price
  • Number of complaints
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Distribution
  • Total number of customers
  • Loyalty

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