Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans - Corporate and division strategic planning

11 important questions on Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans - Corporate and division strategic planning

What are the 4 planning activities of the corporate headquarters?

  • Defining the corporate mission
  • Establishing strategic business units
  • Assigning resources to each strategic business unit
  • Assessing growth opportunities

What are the 5 major characteristics of a good mission statement?

  1. Focus on a limited number of goals
  2. Stress the company's major policies and values
  3. Define the major competitive spheres within which the company will operate
  4. Take a long-term view
  5. As short, memorable and meaningful as possible

What 2 types of market definitions are there?

  • Target market definition: focuses on selling a product or service to a current market. e.g. Pepsi could define their market as anyone who drinks carbonated soft drinks. Competitors are then other carbonated soft drink companies.
  • Strategic market definition: also focuses on the potential market. e.g. Pepsi could also consider everyone who might drink something to quench their thirst. Competitors are then then also non-carbonated soft drinks, bottles water, fruit juices, etc.
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Assigning resources to each SBU

  • BCG's Growth- share matrix (dogs, cash cows, question marks and stars)

What can happen to a SBU?
  • expansion, repositioning or retargeting and strategic outsourcing

What are the characteristics of a strategic business unit (SBU)?

  1. It is a single business, or a collection of related businesses, that can be planned separately from the rest of the company.
  2. It has its own set of competitors.
  3. It has a manager responsible for strategic planning and profit performance, who controls most of the factors affecting profit.

What types of growth are there?

  • Intensive growth: identifying opportunities for growth within current businesses.
  • Integrative growth: identifying opportunities to build or acquire business related to current business.
  • Diversification growth: identifying opportunities to add attractive unrelated business.

How can you fill the strategic-planning gap?

  1. Identify opportunities for growth within current business (intensive opportunities)
  2. Identify opportunities to build or acquire business related to current business (intergrative oppotunities)
  3. Identify opportunities to add attractive unrelated businesses (diversification opportunities)

What are the 4 strategies for intensive growth?

  • Market-penetration strategy: can you gain more market share with the current product in the current market?
  • Market-development strategy: can you find or develop new markets for the current product?
  • Product-development strategy: can you develop new products for the current market?
  • Diversification strategy: can you develop new products for new markets?

What is intensive growth?

  • First course of action of corporate management
  • Review of opportunities for improving existing businesses

Explain organization and corporate culture.

  • Organization: consists of a company's structure, policy and corporate culture.
  • Corporate culture: the shared experiences, stories, beliefs and norms that characterize an organization. The way people dress, talk and greet costumers.

Senior management has to get ideas from three groups for innovation:

  1. Employees with youthful or diverse perspectives
  2. Employees far removed from company headquarters
  3. Employees new to the industry

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