Developing pricing strategies and programs - Setting the price

13 important questions on Developing pricing strategies and programs - Setting the price

When to use price cues?

  • Customers purchase item infrequently
  • Customers are new
  • Product designs vary over time
  • Prices vary seasonally
  • Quality or sizes vary across stores

Six steps of price setting:

  1. Selecting the pricing objective
  2. Determining Demand
  3. Estimating Costs
  4. Analyzing competitors' costs prices and offers
  5. Selecting a pricing method
  6. Selecting the Final price

Customers are less price sensitive when

  1. There are few or no substitutes or competitors
  2. They do not readily notice the higher price
  3. They are slow to change their buying habits
  4. They think the higher prices are justified
  5. Price is only a small part of the total cost of obtaining, operating and servicing the product over its lifetime
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What is an elastic demand?

If a demand changers considerably

Two types of costs

  • Fixed costs (overhead); do not vary with production level or sales revnue
  • Variable costs; vary directly with the level of production

What is the experience curve/ learning curve?

When a company produces more and more of the same product the costs decline because they gain experience in making the product.

How can a firm anticipate a competitor's reaction?

  • Assume competitor reacts standard
  • Assume competitor treats each price difference or change as a fresh challenge and reacts according to self-interest at the time. (research final situation, recent sales, customer loyalty, corporate objectives before setting price)

What are the six price setting methods and their meaning?

  1. Markup pricing; total project cost + standard markup for profit
  2. Target-return pricing; costs, profit, and minimal yield to compensate investment are in this price
  3. Perceived-value pricing; base price on perceived value, deliver more unique value and prove it!
  4. Value pricing; low costs without sacrificing quality.
  5. Going-rate; based on price on competitors used when costs are difficult to measure
  6. Auction-type

What is an English auctions and how is their pricing procedure?

  • Have one seller and many buyers
  • Bidders raise the offer price until the top price is reached. (ascending bids)
  • Highest bidder gets the item

What is a Dutch auction and how is their pricing procedure?

  • one seller and many buyers OR one buyer and many sellers
  • Auctioneer announces high price, then slowly decreases until bidder accepts

What is a Sealed-Bid auction?

  • Suppliers submit one bid, cannot know what the other bids.

Companies can use several pricing techniques to stimulate early purchase, which?

  1. Loss-leader pricing
  2. Special event pricing
  3. Special customer pricing
  4. Cash rebates
  5. Low-interest financing(loan)
  6. Longer payment terms
  7. Warranties and service contracts(free)
  8. Psychological discounting(299)

How can the brand leader respond to competitive price cuts?

  • Maintain price
  • Maintain price add value
  • Reduce price
  • Increase price and improve quality
  • Launch a low-price fighter line

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