Setting product strategy

3 important questions on Setting product strategy

Products must me differentiated to be branded. What are different ways to differentiate a product?

  • Form
  • Customization; Mass customization is the ability of a company to meet each customer's requirements.
  • Performance quality; level at which the product's primary characteristics operate.
  • Conformance quality; degree to which all produced units are identical and meet promised specifications.
  • Durability
  • Reliability
  • Repairability
  • Style; look and feel to the buyer
  • Features

Six ways of pricing products in a product mix pricing:

  • product-line pricing
  • Optional-feature pricing
  • Captive- product pricing
  • Two- part pricing
  • By-product pricing
  • Product- bundling pricing

What are the five objectives for packaging?

  1. Identify the brand
  2. Convey descriptive and persuasive information
  3. Facilitate product transportation and protection
  4. Assist at home storage
  5. Aid product consumption

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