Analyzing consumer markets - The buying decision process: the 5-stage model

3 important questions on Analyzing consumer markets - The buying decision process: the 5-stage model

What are the 5 stages of the consumer buying process?

  1. Problem recognition
  2. Information search. From personal, commercial, public or experience sources.
  3. Evaluation of alternatives
  4. Purchase decision
  5. Postpurchase behavior

Sometimes customers skip some stages, e.g. when you buy your usual brand of toothpaste.

What are the 2 levels of engagement in searching?

  • Heightened attention: when a person becomes more receptive to information about a product.
  • Active information search: looking for reading material, phoning friends, going online.

By what risks is a customer's decision to modify, postpone or cancel a purchase influenced?

  1. Functional risk: product doesn't perform to expectations.
  2. Physical risk: product poses a threat to physical well-being or heath.
  3. Financial risk: product is not worth the price paid.
  4. Social risk: product results in embarrassment in from of others.
  5. Psychological risk: product affects mental well-being.
  6. Time risk: failure of the products causes a need for replacement.

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