Identifying Market Segments and Targets

6 important questions on Identifying Market Segments and Targets

Why target specific markets?

  • More effective and efficient marketing programs
  • Greater sales and profitability
  • Lack of resources to entirely serve the whole market properly

What are the requirements for effective target marketing?

  1. Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and wants (Market segmentation)
  2. Select one or more market segments to enter (market targeting)
  3. For each target segment, establish and communicate the distinctive benefits of the company's market offering (market positioning)

The four groups with higher resources of the VALS framework are?

  1. Innovators
  2. Thinkers
  3. Achievers
  4. Experiencers
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The four groups with the lower resources of the VALS framework are?

  • Believers
  • Strivers
  • Makers
  • Survivors

Behavioral segmentation done in different ways:

  • Needs and benefits
  • Decision roles
  • User ans usage

Five forces of porter that determine the intrinsic long-run attractiveness of the market segment:

  1. Threat of intense segment rivalry
  2. Threat of new entrants
  3. Threat of substitute products
  4. Threat of buyers' growing bargaining power
  5. Threat of suppliers' growing bargaining power

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