Collecting information and forecasting demand - Analyzing the macroenvironment

11 important questions on Collecting information and forecasting demand - Analyzing the macroenvironment

What is a fad?

A fad is:
  • Unpredictable
  • Short-lived
  • Without social, economic and political significance
Getting it right requires luck and good timing.

What is a trend?

A trend is a direction or sequence of events with momentum and durability. It is more predictable and durable than a fad. Trends reveal the shape of the future and can provide strategic direction.

Trends in the economic environment:

  • Consumer psychology
  • Income distribution
  • Income savings debt and credit
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is the main marketers monitor of the demographic environment?

Population, including size and growth, age distribution, ethnic mix etc.

What 4 types of industrial structures are there?

  • Subsistence (levensonderhoud) economies: few opportunities for marketers.
  • Raw material-exporting economies: good markets for equipment, tools, supplies and luxury goods for the rich.
  • Industrializing economies: where a new rich class and growing middle class demand new types of goods.
  • Industrial economies: rich markets for all sorts of goods.

What are the 5 income-distribution patterns?

  1. Very low incomes
  2. Mostly low incomes
  3. Very low, very high incomes
  4. low, medium, high incomes
  5. mostly medium incomes

What are core and secondary beliefs?

  • Core beliefs are passed from parents to children and reinforced by social institutions.
  • Secondary beliefs are more open to change (by marketers e.g.)

What is corporate environmentalism?

Corporate environmentalism recognizes the need to integrate environmental issues into the firm's strategic plan.

Trends in technological environment:

  • Accelerating pace of change
  • unlimited opportunities for innovation
  • Varying R&D budgets
  • Increased regulation of technological change

Trends in the political-legal environment

  • Increase business legislation
  • Growth of special-interest groups

Trends in natural environment

  • Shortage of raw materials
  • Increased energy costs
  • Anti-pollution pressures
  • Governmental protections

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