Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans - Marketing and Customer Value

9 important questions on Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans - Marketing and Customer Value

Into what 3 phases can the value creation and delivery sequence be divided?

  1. Choosing the value with segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP).
  2. Providing the value
  3. Communicating the value

What are the characteristics of a core competency?

  1. It is a source of competitive advantage and makes a significant contribution to perceived customer benefits.
  2. It has an implication in a wide variety of markets.
  3. It is difficult for competitors to imitate.

Customer value and holistic marketing

Integrating the value exploration, value creation, and value delivery activities with the purpose of building long-term, mutually satisfying relationships and co-prosperty among key stakeholders
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What are the steps of business realignment and why may it be necessary?

May be necessary to optimize core competencies. The steps are:
  1. (Re)defining the business concept or "big idea".
  2. (Re)shaping the business scope.
  3. (Re)positioning the company's brand identity.  

How do holistic marketers succeed?

By managing a superior value chain that delivers a high level of product quality, service and speed. They achieve profitable growth by expanding customer share, building customer loyalty and capturing customer lifetime value.

What are the 3 key management questions addressed by holistic marketers?

  1. Value exploration: How a company identifies new value opportunities
  2. Value creation: How a company efficiently creates more promising new value offerings
  3. Value delivery: How a company uses its capabilities and infrastructure to deliver the new value offerings more efficiently

To what 3 key areas must be given priority to ensure selection of the right activities?

  • Managing the companies business as an investment portfolio
  • Assessing each business's strength by considering the market's growth rate and the company's position and fit in that market
  • Establishing strategy, the company must develop a game plan for achieving its long-term objectives.

What are the 4 organizational levels of most companies?

  1. Corporate
  2. Division
  3. Business unit
  4. Product

What are the 2 different levels of a marketing plan?

  • Strategic marketing plan: lays out the target markets and the firm's value proposition based on an analysis of the best marketing opportunities.
  • Tactical marketing plan: specifies the marketing tactics, including product features, promotion, merchandising, pricing, sales channels and service.

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