Core marketing concepts

6 important questions on Core marketing concepts

Customer value triad, a value (central marketing concept). What combination is it?

Combination of qualities service and price

Three kinds of marketing channels

  • Communication channels
  • Distribution channels (display sell or deliver)
  • Service channels(Carry out transacties with potential buyers)

Explain value proposition and brand

  • A value proposition is a set of benefits that satisfies the needs of the customer.
  • A brand is an offering from a known source. Companies strive to build a brand image with as many strong, favorable and unique brand associations as possible.
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Explain value and costumer value triad.

  • Value is the sum of the "tastbare" and "niet-tastbare" benefits and costs to the costumer.
  • The costumer value triad is the combination of quality, service and price (qsp).

Value perceptions increase with quality and service, but decrease with price.

What 3 channels are used by the marketer to reach a target market?

  • Communication channels
  • Distribution channels
  • Service channels

Of what 2 environments does the marketing environment consist?

  • Task environment. Includes all actors engaged in producing, distributing and promoting the offering.
  • Broad environment. Consists of six environments:
  1. Demographic environment
  2. Economic environment
  3. Social-cultural environment
  4. Natural environment
  5. Technological environment
  6. Political-legal environment

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