Market segmentation and cluster analysis - Clustering algorithms - Hierarchical clustering models
7 important questions on Market segmentation and cluster analysis - Clustering algorithms - Hierarchical clustering models
What are divisive techniques?
What is single-link clustering?
What is complete-link clustering?
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What is average-link clustering?
What is a dendrogram?
How do you know if minimum variance is achieved?
- With R^2. R^2=(SStotal-SSerror)/SStotal.
- Total sum of squares measures how close every customer is to the overall means on all the variables used in the analysis.
- Error sum of squares is computed by comparing each individual customer to the means of only the other observations in the customer's cluster.
How does Ward's method work?
- Start with each of the N sample units and calculate SStotal. SSerror is the same as SStotal because there are no clusters yet.
- Begin forming clusters of size 2 and leave the other customers in their own cluster (N=1). Then have N-1 clusters.
- Do this until all options have been done.
- The pair that forms the smallest SSerror or the largest R^2 forms the first cluster.
- Then form N-2 clusters etc.
- Until all sample units are combined into a single large cluster of size N.
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