Perceptual maps and multidimensional scaling - Multidimensional scaling models - Distance metrics

3 important questions on Perceptual maps and multidimensional scaling - Multidimensional scaling models - Distance metrics

What are distances defined as and what is the formula?

Distances are defined as relations between points in space.
  • For 2d distances we use the euclidean distance.
  • For 3, 4, 5d we call the number of dimensions r.

What are the 3 rules that determine if a metric can be called a distance?

  • Non-negativity and equivalence.
  1. dij>0. Meaning distances can be zero, but not negative.
  2. Distance between a point and itself is zero. dii=djj=0.
  3. dij=0 only if points i and j coincide on all r dimensions.
  • Rule of symmetry. dij=dji.
  • They satisfy the "triangle inequality". For any 3 points i, j and k, dik</- dij + djk.

How is the problem of violation of triangle inequality solved?

By using the additive constant. delta*ij = deltaij + c, with delta being the data and c = maxijk (deltaij - deltaik - deltajk).

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