Artike1 1: Katsikeas et al. (2016): Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing

10 important questions on Artike1 1: Katsikeas et al. (2016): Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing

What are the six referents of performance (one of the critical issues?)

  1. Absolute (Stand alone variable, profit)
  2. Temporal (Margin growth)
  3. Inputs (ROI)
  4. Competition-industry (ROI relative to those of competitors)
  5. Firms goals (Sales volume relative to set goal)
  6. Stock market (Abnormal stock returns)

What are the three time horizon options (one of the critical issues)?

  1. Historical
  2. Current
  3. Future

Five critical issues need to be considered for analysing the conceptualization and operationalizations of performance adopted in empirical studies. Which five critical issues are those?

  • Theoretical rationale
    • Is performance formally defined and is the conceptual rationale provided in the conceptual part of the article?
  • Conceptual approach to treatment of performance
    • How is the performance construct viewed theoretically and treated empirically?
  • Aspects of performance assessed
    • Assessment of the type of performance outcome
  • Referents of performance
    • Judgements of the standarts against which performance
  • Time horizon
    • Reflection of temporal perspective in the outcome measure
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Result: What is the most used measure of marketing performance outcomes?

Accounting indiactors of profit and sales revenue and market share which is a product-market indicator

Result: Which measure is most widely used at product-market level?

Market share

Which seven guidelines is the paper of Katsikeas et al. (2016) suggesting regarding the designing and reporting of studies?

  1. Avoid conceptualization as a global latent
  2. Clearly visualise the conceptualization and provide a rationale
  3. Select one or more indicators or each aspect
  4. Do not expect relationships between independent variables and indicators of different aspects
  5. Make explicit referent and time horizon choices and provide a rationale
  6. Theorize and hypothesize expected cause-and-effect relationships
  7. Report sample sizes and correlations

Which two insights for managers did the Katsikeas et al. (2016) paper provide?

  1. Managers should select at least one metric within each aspect of performance in the marketing-performance outcome chain (conceptual model)
  2. This study is helpful in explaining to senior managers the causal linkages between the firm’s marketing efforts and the types of accounting and financial performance metrics, links between some of the performance measures are likely to be negative, and, thus, improving one aspect of performance may degrade another.

Which conclusion can be drawn form the paper of Katsikeas et al. (2016)?

This study reveals the extent to which fragmentation and inadequacies in the conceptualization and operationalization of the performance outcomes that may be associated with firms’
marketing assets and activities constitute a key barrier in validly and credibly addressing this question.

Give an explaination of the framework provided in the Katsikeas et al. (2016) paper.

This framework indentified six categories of performance (within the pink part) and two aspects wich lead to performance, which are:
  1. Firm's marketing resources, strategy and action
  2. Realized marketing programme

These two have an impact on the peformance itself, and from there the company learns and can apply this again to the marketing actions.

Result: Which two measures are the most widely used accounting performance outcome indicators?

Profit and sales revenue

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