Rust et al. (2001): Driving Customer Equity: Linking Customer Lifetime Value to Strategic Marketing Decisions

12 important questions on Rust et al. (2001): Driving Customer Equity: Linking Customer Lifetime Value to Strategic Marketing Decisions

In which part of the roadmap fits this article?

It's about the measurement of performance on a customer level and the question how much money we make on each customer
  • So, the customer-level performance part 

What facilitates Customer Equity?

Customer Equity facilitates the evaluation of marketing ROI, including
  • Return on service quality
  • Return on advertising
  • Return on loyalty programs
  • Return on corporate ethical standards

According to Rust et al. (2001), how can strategic competitive gaps be revealed?

In order to reveal strategic competitive gaps, a firm can measure its performance on the value, brand, and relationship drivers of equity and compare to its competitor’s performance on those drivers
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For which kind of organisations are the following aspects of Equity most important?
  1. Value Equity
  2. Brand Equity
  3. Relationship Equity

  1. Value Equity is more important for B2B companies, for which objective performance is more important
  2. Brand Equity is more important for consumer packaged goods companies and other transaction-oriented businesses
  3. Relationship Equity is more important for relationship business (often service)

What is the main purpose of the paper by Rust et al. (2001)?

Showing how Customer Equity can be used to drive marketing strategy.

Explain the framework provided in the Rust et al. (2001) paper. What makes it possible to analyse?

In order to improve VE, BE and RE, the drivers for those need to be improved. This improves then the Switchting Matrix which improves the Customer Lifetime Value which improves CE.

  • This framework makes it possible to analyse what effect improving a driver of Customer Equity has on Customer Equity overall.

Which 6 benefits provides the framework of Rust et al. (2001) to management?

  1. Identification and measurement of key drivers of Customer Equity
  2. Identification of firm’s competitive strengths and weaknesses
  3. Projection of financial impact of marketing initiatives
  4. Key metrics for top management
  5. Rapid implementation
  6. Easy implementation

Which three broad areas influence customers' decisions to purchase and repurchase products and services?

  1. Aspects of firm’s product and service offering
  2. Aspects of firm’s brand, and
  3. Aspects of customer’s relationship with firm

What is Value Equity?

Customer’s objective assessment of utility of a brand, based on perceptions of what is given up for what is received

Customer retention has been treated under one of two assumptions. Which two assumptions are those?

  1. Lost for good assumption
    • Uses customer’s retention probability as probability that firm’s customer this period is still firm’s customer next period (once customer is gone, it’s gone) and
  2. Always a share assumption
    • Customer does not give any firm all of his/her business (migration model, may leave and return).

What are the benefits and contributions of the Customer Equity Framework?

  • CE framework enable the firm to determine where to invest its marketing resources for the greatest impact
  • CE Framework enables marketing performance to be measured in terms of ROI, marketing performance is directly linked to CE.
  • CE framework makes it possible for firm to explore effect of customer satisfaction on CE.
  • CE framework makes CE and drivers financially accountable.

For which strategy provides Customer Equity the basis?

Customer Equity provides the basis for customer-centered strategy.

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