Kumar (2018): A Theory of Customer Valuation: Concepts, Metrics, Strategy, and Implementation

18 important questions on Kumar (2018): A Theory of Customer Valuation: Concepts, Metrics, Strategy, and Implementation

What is the purpose of the paper by Kumar (2018)?

Kumar (2018) discusses the concept of CLV (customer lifetime value) as the metric that can provide a reliable, forward-looking estimate of direct customer value.

What is a challenge for firms according to Kumar (2018), with regards to customer value?

Challenge for a firm is to dynamically align resources spent on customers and products to simultaneously generate both value TO customers and value FROM customers.

On which two apects is Customer Value Theory (CVT) focussing? And about which things informs CVT firms?

CVT focuses on two aspects of customer financial contributions:
their nature and their scope.
It informs firms about
  1. The conceptualization of value generation from customers
  2. The ways and means available to generate and maximize value from customers.
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For which aspects can firms use the Customer Value Theory (CVT)?

Firms can use CVT to:
  1. Value customer assets
  2. Manage customer portfolios
  3. Nurture profitable customers.

What are the three challenges in valuing customers?

  1. Firms need a reliable method to identify and invest in the “right” customers
  2. Configuring a portfolio of the most valuable customers is easier said than done
  3. Rebalancing of customers is not a feasible strategy

Why are financial theories inappropriate for valuing customers?

There are critical differences regarding applying a financial theory in a product decision setting.

The article by Kumar (2018) develops CVT as....

A robust theory for valuing customer assets by adopting a different approach to than that used to value stocks.

How does customer valuation work?

Future profitability of customers (CFP) depends on
  • Their past and current transaction behaviours (transaction behaviour)
  • Marketing efforts of firm
  • Identity and profile of customers and environment

Which 4 propositions are formulated in the paper by Kumar (2018)?

  • P1: Customer transaction activities significantly influence customer future profitability.
  • P2: Marketing cost nonlinearly influences customer future profitability.
  • P3: Demographic/firmographic variables significantly influence customer future profitability.
  • P4: Economic and environmental factors significantly influence a customer’s future profitability.

What is measured using CVT and how is it measured?

CVT is a mechanism to measure the future value of each customer on the basis of
  1. Customer’s direct economic value contribution
    • Margin or net profit
  2. Depth of the direct economic value contribution
    • Own purchases that have produced financial results
  3. Breadth of the indirect economic value contribution by accounting for volatility and vulnerability of customer cash flows
    • Indirect value through referral behaviour, online influence, feedback, etc.

Why is it critical to study customer reactions to firm actions for organisations?

The true measure of any marketing strategy or initiative is the improved financial result for the firm implementing it. When firms can precisely link their actions to customer value and, ultimately, to firm/shareholder value, they can begin to realize the potential of valuing customers as assets.

What are the benefits of studying customer reactions to firm actions for firms?

  • Able to attract and retain most valuable customers
  • Nurture customers into skilled resource base for firm
  • Pevent customers from switching
  • Consistently evolve offerings and match needs, develop ability to foresee responses, and exhibit superior performance

What are the benefits of studying customer reactions to firm actions for customers?

  • Connect with firm and actively shape nature of transaction
  • Connect and collaborate with each other

What are the benefits of studying customer reactions to firm actions for the environment?

Easier to align and allocate the optimal amount of resources toward each customer

What are the benefits of studying customer reactions to firm actions for the society?

  • Clear line of communications in terms of what to expect
  • Customer’s repeat purchases can now be consolidated among a few preferred firms
  • Customers become empowered

What are the benefits of studying customer reactions to firm actions for employees?

Instrumental in providing better customer experiences leading to customer engagement.

Which two managerial implications are mentioned in the paper by Kumar (2018)?

  • CVT is applicable in various scenarios spanning multiple market, business settings, regional context and industries
  • Managers are enriched with improvements that can result in better implementation

What enables CVT managers to do?

To actively manage customer relationships on the basis of future
customer contributions through specialized customer strategies – creates positive impact on firm performance

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