Hanssens & Pauwels (2016): Demonstrating the Value of Marketing

11 important questions on Hanssens & Pauwels (2016): Demonstrating the Value of Marketing

Which performance metrics are used by marketing (which do not highly correlate with each other)?

  • Attitudinal (e.g., brand awareness)
  • Behavioural (e.g., brand loyalty)
  • Financial (e.g., sales revenue)

Ambiguity arises when different performance metrics give different outcomes, what are the 6 consequences of ambiguity for marketing practice?

  • The objectives of marketing differ widely
  • Marketing effectiveness ≠ marketing efficiency
  • Hard/soft and offline/online metrics are not integrated
  • Response models and experiments are rarely combined
  • Risk in marketing receives little consideration
  • Analytic insights are not communicated effectively to drive decisions

Which 4 guidelines are needed in order to demonstrate the value of marketing?

  1. Reconciling (overeenstemmen) different marketing objectives
  2. Distinguishing between marketing effectiveness and efficiency
  3. Distinguishing between marketing budget setting and budget allocation
  4. Defining the scope of marketing
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Which aspects are dominant succes metrics for brands in early phase and in later stages in the category life cycle?

  • Early phase: Consumer liking and distribution
  • Later stages: Pricing and advertising

Which aspect matters the most in mature markets and which one in emerging markets?

  • Mature markets: Brand liking
  • Emerging markets: Brand consideration

In which situation is the trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency particularly important?

When there is a conflict between short-term and long-term goals

What does Farris et al. propose with regards to effectiveness and efficiency goals?

The goal should be to maximize the total effectiveness when a certain threshold is achieved, even if that reduces the overall efficiency

What are the two types of managerial decisions?

  • Budget (investment)
  • Allocation (execution)

Which focus benefits the organization’s accountability and profitability but rarely creates sustained business growth?

Focus on marketing tactics

The deviation between actual and predicted performance can be decomposed into 3 variances, which are those?

  1. Planning variance: Incorrect market response assumptions
  2. Execution variance: Deviations of actual marketing actions from planned ones
  3. Reaction variance: Misanticipation of competitive reactions

What are the 3 requirements for internally communicating the value of marketing?

  1. Communicating multiple objectives in marketing dashboards
  2. Adapting communication to the style of the decision maker
  3. Adapting communication to the marketing organization

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