Homburg et al. (2015): Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment

10 important questions on Homburg et al. (2015): Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment

In which part of the roadmap fits this article?

The customer behavior part

What is the research by Homburg et al. (2015) focussing on?

Research how consumers react to firms’ active participation in C2C conversations in an online community setting

How can WOM (word of mouth) be explained in online settings?

Consumers use technologies to communicate with others
about products and services
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What is an online community and what does it facilitate?

Aggregation (verzameling) of individuals or business partners who interact based on a shared interest, where the interaction is at least partially supported or mediated by technology and guided by certain protocols and norms
  • They facilitate C2C online conversations and enable firms to interact with consumers directly and transparently

What is the difference between active and passive online communities?

  • Active → Direct interactions with community members (often hybrid approach).
  • Passive → Offering platform for online conversations in which the firm does not engage in conversations among consumers

Which two benefits has an online community?

  • Functional benefit: Enables consumers to better understand, use, modify, or repair a product
  • Social benefit: Development of social ties with firm representatives and establishment of interpersonal relationships

Wich three research questions are key in the paper by Homburg et al. (2015)?

  • RQ 1: How do consumers react to active firm engagement in an online community?
  • RQ 2: Does consumer reaction to active firm engagement differ with the type of online conversation?
  • RQ 3: Do consumer reactions to active firm engagement differ between consumer segments with different interests?

What is the most important measure used in the paper by Homburg et al. (2015)?

Relative firm engagement

Explain the conceptual model belonging to the paper by Homburg et al. (2015)?

  • First of all, the direct effect of relative firm engagement on consumer sentiment is studied
  • Besides that, two moderators are present in the article
    • Type of conversation: Social need and functional need
    • Type of consumer interest: Product-related and Entertainment and inspiration

What are the three main results (answer RQ's)?

  • RQ1: There are deminishing returns, relative firm engagement is positive on consumer sentiment, but they are becoming negative when there is too much firm engagement
    • For functional needs, not for social needs
  • RQ2: Relationship between firm engagement and consumer sentiment is apparent for topics on product information
    • For product-related information, not for entertainment and inspiration
  • RQ3: Active firm engagement can provide value for consumers if the conversation topic matches the core value of the online community

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