Comparisons/linkages articles

6 important questions on Comparisons/linkages articles

What is the link of the article of Katsikeas et al. (2016) (Assessing performance outcomes in marketing) with the rest of the articles?

The framework provided is a roadmap to show where the other articles are located in the marketing performance journey

What is the relationship between the following articles?
  • Kirca et al. (2005): Market Orientation: a meta-analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and impact on performance
  • Hillebrand et al. (2015): Stakeholder marketing: theoretical foundations and required capabilities.

Market orientation vs stakeholder marketing

Kirca et al: Higher market orientation is related to higher performance through innovativeness, customer loyalty, and quality: thus seeking what your customers want and anticipate on this.

Hillebrand et al: This article does not agree that customers alone are of importance, as all stakeholders co-create value as a group.

What is the relationship between the following articles?
  • Leroi-Werelds et al. (2013): Assessing the value of commonly used methods for measuring customer value: a multi-setting empirical study
  • Rust et al. (2001): Driving customer equity: linking customer lifetime value to strategic marketing decisions

Leroi-Werelds et al. looks at the value to the customer, so how the product adds value to them.

Rust et al. looks at the customer value from the firm’s perspective, thus how profitable is the customer.
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What is the relationship between the following articles?
  • Palmatier et al. (2006): Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing: A Meta-Analysis
  • Verma et al. (2016): Does relationship marketing matter in online retailing? A meta-analytic approach

The article of Verma et al. builds on the article of Palmatier et al., applying their model in an online retailer. Consequently, they lose some of the antecedents and the moderators, as they already apply the type of organization it needs to function in.

Verma et al.:
  • Seller expertise and similarity strongest impact on relational mediators
  • WOM most critical outcome of RM efforts

Palmatier et al.:
  • Seller expertise and communication are most effective for building relations
  • Cooperation and WOM as most critical outcome
  • Relationship investment and dependence of firm has direct effect on seller objective performance    

What is the relationship between the following articles?
  • Balducci et al. (2018): Unstructured data in marketing
  • Homburg et al. (2015): Measuring and managing consumer sentiment in an online community environment

The article of Balducci et al. gives us a clear overview of the importance of measuring unstructured data in marketing and gives multiple examples on how to do this.

An example, in online communities, is researched in the article of Homburg et al., where they monitor social media. In the latter, they used text analysis to look at the multiple facets of the threads that people post in the online communities, which is a way of looking at unstructured data

What is the relationship between the following articles?
  • Luo et al. (2021): Artificial coaches for sale agents: Caveats and solutions
  • Harz et al. (2021): Virtual reality in new product development: insight from prelaunch sales forecasting for durables

Luo et al: Tangibilize recent developments (AI) in marketing performance. By stating that the mix of AI and human coaching for call centres is most efficient.

Harz et al: Tangibilize recent developments (VR) in marketing performance. By showing that VR in new product development is an easy way to forecast sales.

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